Nitrate Off The Scale


New Member
Dec 3, 2010
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Hi all

I have a 200ltr tank with 30kg of live rock a fluval 305 filter. I have 1 porky puffer, 1 dog face, 2 cardinals, 1 scooter blenny, 1 bird nosed wrasse, 1 tassled file fish, 1 green mandrin, 1 wet morella and a red knobbed star fish.

all has been fine BUT my nitrate levels are off the scale. I've just done a 40% water change TWICE and my nitrate is still off the scale showing +100mg. I will continue to do the water changes but any tips????

I have just bought a 450ltr tank with a sump so a new home and new water beckons but I'd still like to sort this out as I'm certain it must be causing my fish some stress???

ta very much
Hi all

I have a 200ltr tank with 30kg of live rock a fluval 305 filter. I have 1 porky puffer, 1 dog face, 2 cardinals, 1 scooter blenny, 1 bird nosed wrasse, 1 tassled file fish, 1 green mandrin, 1 wet morella and a red knobbed star fish.

all has been fine BUT my nitrate levels are off the scale. I've just done a 40% water change TWICE and my nitrate is still off the scale showing +100mg. I will continue to do the water changes but any tips????

I have just bought a 450ltr tank with a sump so a new home and new water beckons but I'd still like to sort this out as I'm certain it must be causing my fish some stress???

ta very much
Hello, i think you want to be in the marine section.
Hi all

I have a 200ltr tank with 30kg of live rock a fluval 305 filter. I have 1 porky puffer, 1 dog face, 2 cardinals, 1 scooter blenny, 1 bird nosed wrasse, 1 tassled file fish, 1 green mandrin, 1 wet morella and a red knobbed star fish.

all has been fine BUT my nitrate levels are off the scale. I've just done a 40% water change TWICE and my nitrate is still off the scale showing +100mg. I will continue to do the water changes but any tips????

I have just bought a 450ltr tank with a sump so a new home and new water beckons but I'd still like to sort this out as I'm certain it must be causing my fish some stress???

ta very much
Hello, i think you want to be in the marine section.
Hi :)

you might want to think about starting a journal, list all the equipment your currently using as well as your stock, corals etc.

You say your using a fluval 305, whats in it and whats your housekeeping like? Ext filters can be nitrate factories themselves. :/
Have you had a 2nd opinion? Take some water to your LFS to test and see what they make of it.

As above filter media can become nitrate factories over time.
Can;t talk from experience with the filter media but thats well advertised on various posts I;ve read in the past. I also suffered from nitrate but aquired a cheap submersible light for about £6 and got some cheato and now my nitrate is 0 and has remained so for a few months
Also I can recommend NP Bio Pellets, I had nitrate problems, some of these in a fluidised reactor and NO3 and PO4 now fine although it does take a little while to balance it properly.
You have two very heavy waste fish in your tank and if they are near adult size in a tank of 250l they will have outgrown it - wonderful to hear that they are getting a lovely new home, cant wait to see photos :good: However, they are still going to be heavy waste producers, you are skimming? I would run both a nitrate and phosphate reactor with such adorable fish

Seffie x

Those are some HEAVY waste producing fish. A huge bioload. To feed them right, you will probably have a nitrate problem in that small of a tank. Go ahead and move them to the larger tank. You have any algae trouble? If you don't have a skimmer, invest in one.

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