Deonised Water For Refractometer Calibration?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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my TMC new refractometer needs deionised water for calibration, am i right in thinking that boiled water thatscooled is the same.?
Nope - its water that has had most of its impurities removed through distillation.

I used distilled water to do mine

Seffie x
Nope boiled will still contain some elements I just picked up some battery water from the local garage a couple of P
cheers I shall get some of that tomorrow, I only thought that as I know people who have used boiled water in car batteries!! :good:
It is worth noting that RC found in tests that hobby refractometers are not too accurate when calibrated to pure water. Far better to calibrate to a known salinity solution.
de-ionised water from wilkos today only 52p!!! the cheapest thing I have had to buy so far!!!

I only need three drops as well!!! lol
Is water from a room de humidifier also the same. If so I have it for free.
It is worth noting that RC found in tests that hobby refractometers are not too accurate when calibrated to pure water. Far better to calibrate to a known salinity solution.

yeah but to do that wouldnt you need to go to the lfs (but i think most use normal refractometers)

or use a hydrometer thus making it the same accuracy as the hydrometer

not trying to be rude as i may have and probably have missed something
Unless lab quality, Hydrometers are not accurate enough!

However, i agree with Andywg, the best way to go is by calibrating with a known SG water sample. But Distilled will be fine Simon :good: it's the way most of us do it

Seffie x
realised it was deionised I bought and the instrictions said distilled!! I;'ll try and find some distilled tomorrow

will this have effected my calibration do you think, tried my salt mix that i got from the LFS and it was 1.021??? I;ll check it again tomorrow

will the low salinity effect ,y live rocks health?
Many lfs run on low salinity to prevent parasites.
As Sorgan said, most LFs run at below 1.022 - thats why we have to be so careful when acclimatising

Seffie x
As Sorgan said, most LFs run at below 1.022 - thats why we have to be so careful when acclimatising

Seffie x

so it may be worth investing in some salt then to bring levels up? or is 1.022 fine for a marine set up. I have read a bit about this and I get the impression that for xenia and toadstools that a higher salinity of 1.026 would be more suitable?

cheers Simon
I would invest in some salt and slowly bring it up to 1026 use a good salt like D&D H2 Ocean (tis what I use) ;) if your shop is selling salted water at that low SG I would be tempted to mix your own

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