Seriously Considering Closing Down My Tank

I went through the same thing mate it was allover the sand, then I got some chaeto and a submersible light and as if by magic it went along with the was as simple as that mate
I went through the same thing mate it was allover the sand, then I got some chaeto and a submersible light and as if by magic it went along with the was as simple as that mate

I have been reading up on cheato today now I dont have a sump so can I put it in the display tank? or maybe in my phosban reactor?
I kept some in a media bag in my orca, just hung it from the spray bar, but it didnt look to great :sad: you cant put it straight in the tank as your cuc will just eat it all up

Seffie x
I kept some in a media bag in my orca, just hung it from the spray bar, but it didnt look to great :sad: you cant put it straight in the tank as your cuc will just eat it all up

Seffie x

If it's just because it looks ugly I dont mind for the time being if it lowers the nitrate then if things start to look better I can crack on with the sump install and keep it in there.

Where is the best place to get some cheato? eBay?
Yeh its sold on eBay quite a lot, you can get it at some LFS aswell.
Yeh its sold on eBay quite a lot, you can get it at some LFS aswell.

Right first of all thanks for everyone for the encouraging comments.

I have made a decision, I have ordered some cheato and some media bags. I intend on not adding any more live stock including corals for now. I will continue to do water changes as normal and monitor the tank for the next 2-3 months, if things start to get better I will then continue with the sump project and start adding more live stock, if in 2-3 months it is no better im going to close it down.

I really do want it to work because I have invested a lot of time and money in setting it up and keeping it running not to mention the fact that my 9 month old baby girl loves it but what I dont want to do is keep chucking money at problems to try and resolve issues.

So this is the last im going to spend on the tank (apart from RO water for water changes and food) for the next 2-3 months then depending on how it is then either continue or sell up.

Thanks again everyone, I was really close to just putting the lot in the for sale section yesterday but I dont like things to get the better of me, so this is the tanks second chance.

Will keep you all posted.
I know it's hard to believe but it's just the natural process. It should go on its own accord. What I will warn you of though is that when you start adding live stock when it goes, you might get more algae start.
I know it's hard to believe but it's just the natural process. It should go on its own accord. What I will warn you of though is that when you start adding live stock when it goes, you might get more algae start.

That I can appericate and understand but before I take that step of adding more live stock I will see if I can get it under control now, if I can then it should be easier as and when that happens.
Cool! Patients my friend, unfort that is the most important yet frustrating lesson I have learnt keeping marines!!

Keep us posted!! :good:
I have made a decision, I have ordered some cheato and some media bags.

The chaeto should give you a big helping hand in controlling nuissance algae/slime. It can take a bit to adapt to the light it's given but when it goes it really goes. Whenever I put some in a new tank I don't see much growth for a bit, which I presume it something to do with it adapting to slightly different conditions. Then it suddenly grows thinner/thicker fillaments and different shades of green depending on the light spectrum and brightness.

The method I've switched to for using chaeto without a sump to put it in is to use those plastic breeder baskets that suction onto the side of the tank. They make a nice sort of small refugium. It keeps the macro very close to the lighting, keeps it contained, and stops most beasties from eating it. If you have especially clever gastropods that figure out to climb just out of the water to get inside, you may need to put a clear plastic grid cover on the top and hold it in place with a rubber band or some fishing line to keep them out. I've only had to do that to stop a cowrie going in though. Turbos seem to leave it alone strangely enough if the lip of the container is just above the waterline.
The method I've switched to for using chaeto without a sump to put it in is to use those plastic breeder baskets that suction onto the side of the tank. They make a nice sort of small refugium. It keeps the macro very close to the lighting, keeps it contained, and stops most beasties from eating it. If you have especially clever gastropods that figure out to climb just out of the water to get inside, you may need to put a clear plastic grid cover on the top and hold it in place with a rubber band or some fishing line to keep them out. I've only had to do that to stop a cowrie going in though. Turbos seem to leave it alone strangely enough if the lip of the container is just above the waterline.

Excellent idea, didnt even think of that :good:
If you have a pohsban reactor, try NP bio pellets, they worked wonders for my Nitrate problem.
If you have a pohsban reactor, try NP bio pellets, they worked wonders for my Nitrate problem.

Thanks I will look in to that.

I was informed about 20mins ago by the wife that my "Plant thing" has arrived, so that means my cheato is here.

I will get that in when I get home, does anyone know with regards to time range if/when I should start to see something happening? just so I know when to do tests.
For the Chaeto waiting time, I would give it at least a week. Other than that, it can be usefult to test when you look in and it distinctly looks like there's more of it in there than when you first put it in or last trimmed it.

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