Tank Crash Help With Favia


Fish Fanatic
Nov 13, 2005
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I got back from 2 weeks holiday with my Dad lloking after my tank. Whilst hes looked after the tank before and never had a problem, for whatever reason I had a crash and my favia coral which I have been growing for the past 5 years suffered badly.

The coral was a large doom shape and basically it has died back leaving the underneath skeleton until only about 2inches at the edge looks still to be alive.

Apart from being gutted as this was my favourite coral (beutiful red and green) I dont know whether to leave it as it is looking unsigtly and hope it will re grow over the old skeleton or whether the frag the surviving bit and start again.

Lookily I have managed to save my others although I lost my two toadstool corals. Think I wont have another holiday ever again.

cheers fo rany replies.
My first thought would have been a coral or anemone stinging it so would have suggested Kent Marine Lugol's Iodine Solution to help stop any infection spreading. But you say your tank crashed, I am assuming a massive rise in phosphates or nitrates :crazy: people have had success cutting off the unaffected part but others have found this is just the last straw for the coral and it dies, so, not much help i'm afraid - think its going to just be a wait and see job :sad: whilst keeping the water pristine

Seffie x
My first thought would have been a coral or anemone stinging it so would have suggested Kent Marine Lugol's Iodine Solution to help stop any infection spreading. But you say your tank crashed, I am assuming a massive rise in phosphates or nitrates :crazy: people have had success cutting off the unaffected part but others have found this is just the last straw for the coral and it dies, so, not much help i'm afraid - think its going to just be a wait and see job :sad: whilst keeping the water pristine

Seffie x

Hi Seffie,

Many thanks, it was the nitrates that rose, still not sure why but I think I will do as you say and just leave the coral, if it gets worse, then I have nothing to loose in breaking it up.

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