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  1. P


    They can get all the common aquarium diseases, but so long as you look after them they are quite disease resistant. One of the most common problems is bloat, which is caused by feeding too much dry food or bloodworm. You should be able to get the book from or...
  2. P

    Replacement To Ocean Rock

    They might sell it but the best place would be a builders merchant, such as Travis perkins, or an aggregate supplier. :)
  3. P

    Stocked Tank

    Hello, Did you add all of the fish at once? Also I hate to say this but the Clown loaches can grow to 30cm/12" and the Gouramis and Boesmani rainbowfish will need a bigger tank as they can both grow to at least 10-13cm/4-5".
  4. P

    Malawai Tank

    The Frontosas can grow to 27cm/9" so make sure you have a tank that is big enough for them once they are fully grown. Mbuna need to be overcrowded to disperse their aggression, also you will need at least two (preferably three) females per male fish. The 300 litre tank should be able to house at...
  5. P


    Pelvicachromis taeniatus tend to be more peaceful than the common Krib, they are also smaller and more colourful. I would put it down to individual fish.
  6. P


    Yes. :)
  7. P

    Replacement To Ocean Rock

    I would recommend slate. However you need to be careful with it as it often contains iron, especially spanish slate. The iron will wash out of the rock and turn it a rusty-orange colour. Try and obtain welsh slate if you can, as this is of a higher quality.
  8. P

    Is This A Compressiseps Or A Calvus

    I would go with Altolamprolus calvus, however someone else should be able to give a more accurate answer. :)
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    Starting Shell Dwelling Tank

    The sand I use is a fine aragonite sand, which is very similar to standard coral sand in terms of it's pH altering properties, but it is also very fine. If you have very soft water you can buy additives, try Seachem.
  10. P


    Kribs are very easy to keep and breed, and they make excellent first cichlids. They are pretty quick in their movements, which is why it's sometimes not a good idea to keep them with slow moving fish such as Corydoras.
  11. P

    Id This Plec For Me Please?

    I wasn't saying you were wrong in your ID, I was merely suggesting a link that could help others. ;)
  12. P

    Pleco Id Please

    Sorry! :good:
  13. P

    Id This Plec For Me Please?

    Excuse me? It just so happens that this Xingumike or whoever he is was in the wrong and was being a bit harsh.
  14. P

    Pleco Id Please

    It isn't L001, the patterning is wrong. :) Either way does it really matter? It will still grow too big.
  15. P

    Help Me Divide My Fish Between My 2 Tanks Please!

    If you do get the Dwarf gouramis be very careful, quarantine any fish for at least a week. Regarding the Pictus catfish you could have one in the 180 but the tankmates will have to be at least 8cm/3".
  16. P

    Firemouth In A 25gal

    You could have a pair of Convict cichlids, or a single firemouth or two of the T-bar cichlids.
  17. P

    Help Me Divide My Fish Between My 2 Tanks Please!

    First of all I wouldn't add the pictus catfish or the dwarf gouramis, the former will eat small fish and the latter aren't as hardy as they were, and they are also susceptible to bacterial infections. Better alternatives would be Honey gouramis (Colisa chuna). Here is what I would do: Juwel...
  18. P

    Id This Plec For Me Please?

    I would take a look at Also Xingumike: I too think that you were being a bit rude there. There is such a word as politeness in this world, look it up. :)
  19. P

    Melafix, Ammonia, And Corys

    Melafix is quite strong (it smells too!) so it could affect the filter bacteria, which can cause an ammonia spike. Corydoras don't have scales but plates called scutes so they can be sensitive towards certain treatments. I would cut out the melafix unless the fish are showing signs of physical...
  20. P

    Whats Wrong With My Guppy

    I would repost this in the tropical fish emergencies forum. Anyway before we can help we need some info about your tank: Water quality: (* essential) *Ammonia: *Nitrite: Nitrate: *pH: KH: GH: *Temperature: Tank details: Size: Tank Inhabitants (numbers, sizes ect): How long the tank has been...
  21. P

    Please Help Me Sex My Jd :)

    I think you'll get an answer if you posted this in the New world cichlid forum. :)
  22. P

    Starting Shell Dwelling Tank

    I'm currentely keeping a colony of Neolamprolus multifasciatus in a similar tank (six to be exact). Two species can't be mixed except in larger tanks. Also there aren't many other fish that you could have in the tank, so you are pretty much stuck with one species, if the tank was a bit bigger I...
  23. P

    Filters Whats The Best Internal Filter?

    I use Eheim aquaballs, virtually silent and have the largest amount of media in any internal filter I've ever used. :)
  24. P

    Newbie Starting Fresh

    Aquasafe is blue so it will stain the water, however it should clear. When you first set the tank up the glass and equipment will be covered in tiny bubbles, this is normal and they will disappear within a couple of days. Good luck!
  25. P

    Are These Fish Compatible?

    I can see the tank being grossly overstocked, and many of the fish will be unsuitable. For a start the triggers and the angels will need a 2m tank and the Niger trigger (Odonus niger) can grow to 50cm/20", you will also have aggression problems. I would suggest that you re-think your proposed...
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    Snow Sports

    What happened?
  27. P

    Dwarf Cichlids For New Community Tank

    They'll be fine with the other fish and they are quite easy to look after, they obtain most of their food in the form of algae and they will also eat remnants of fish food.
  28. P

    Filter Chioce For Tank

    I would go with either of the two Eheims or a Tetratec EX700.
  29. P

    30 Deg Fish

    Discus need high temperatures and many other south american fish thrive in such conditions, evaporation can be kept to a minimum by using a hood. :)
  30. P

    Long Fin Bristlenose

    This is the exact fish that started my obsession with plecs, looking good buddy! :)
  31. P

    Lighting Help

    We have a little something called the Arcadia Arc pod in 9w and 11w models. ;)
  32. P

    30 Deg Fish

    Discus Hatchetfish Pencilfish (Nannstomus sp.) Rams Apistogramma sp. Certain plecs
  33. P

    Whats Best

    Then I would definitely use an external. :)
  34. P

    Whats Best

    I too prefer externals, not only are they easier to clean but they keep the tank free of detritus. The only internals I use now are a Fluval 1+ for my shrimp tank and Eheim aquaballs.
  35. P

    2nd Tank Syndrome

    Your nitrite levels are critically high so I would leave it for a few days and see what it does.
  36. P

    Cardinal Tetra Struggling To Stay Down

    It sounds like bloat, I would cut out the flakes for a while and offer them some frozen food (and live food if you can get it). This will clear the digestive tract. When you do start feeding the flakes again only feed them once a day and soak the flakes to make them sink.
  37. P

    Black Neon Tetras

    I agree, the Siamese algae eater will eventually grow to 15cm/6" and will need a 90cm tank once it is fully grown. All tetras have the ability to nip fins, they belong to the same family as Pihrana (Characidae) and posess a set of very small teeth.
  38. P

    Digital Or Not

    Standard glass thermometers are the most accurate at the end of the day, however digital thermometers are also pretty accurate and are easier to read. Remember that the temperature will also be influenced by the ambient room temperature and the heat given off equipment such as lighting.
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    You need to be careful with slow moving fish like catfish, puffers are known fin nippers.
  40. P

    Giant Chameleon

    Very nice! I kept a Veiled chameleon once, they have great character. :D