
I wouldn't completely abandon it, try some of the smaller species such as P. taeniatus. :)

gdgd, iv been keeping fish for 8 years but ive never been able to bbuy kribs becuase i knew they would clash with an albino red tailed shark that someones just bought off me

will P. taeniatus breed in coconut shells?


they all doo, i does not have to be a coconut shell, cave from rocks/stones, bogwood, shells, any hidden place in the tank, they could as weel do it under the internal filter :)

thanks very much for your helpful and positive comments, if there are sheltered areas/caves where the cories can go, will they be allright?

im not too worried about the clowns as they can usually stick up 4 themselves?
thanks very much for your helpful and positive comments, if there are sheltered areas/caves where the cories can go, will they be allright?

im not too worried about the clowns as they can usually stick up 4 themselves?

As we said before it all depend what nature your kribs will be, but if you already have cories and let kribs in now they should be no problem for them, just make sure you have a lot of hidding places and get catfish pallets/pills to feed clowns and cories because you will have a lot of bottom feeders. + do switch off light when you putt kribs in until next morning and do not feed fish untill next morning too.

p.s my skunk kories are active during the night and when there is high air pressure outside so they are hardly ever in the way of kribs

thanks, iv rearraged the bits of slate to accomodate cories

will kribs beat up neon tetras and rosy tetras?

Hi i do not really keep them but as far i know they are quite fast fish so you might get away with that

but not sure
thanks, iv rearraged the bits of slate to accomodate cories

will kribs beat up neon tetras and rosy tetras?

Hi i do not really keep them but as far i know they are quite fast fish so you might get away with that

but not sure

well they are bentos tetras so they have pretty good acceleration lol

would you recommend kribs as a begginners cichlid?
Kribs are very easy to keep and breed, and they make excellent first cichlids. They are pretty quick in their movements, which is why it's sometimes not a good idea to keep them with slow moving fish such as Corydoras.
thanks, iv rearraged the bits of slate to accomodate cories

will kribs beat up neon tetras and rosy tetras?

Hi i do not really keep them but as far i know they are quite fast fish so you might get away with that

but not sure

well they are bentos tetras so they have pretty good acceleration lol

would you recommend kribs as a begginners cichlid?
Yup, they're quite hardy. :good:
My femal kribs have killed a fair few fish in their time whilst looking after their young. My current mum has ruipped my gold spot pleco to shreds defending her young and he isn't even trying to eat them! he just gets too close sometimes. She has killed a guppy and another mum killed some neon tetras. In my 4ft tank, Mum has taken over 2/3 of the tank for her young :S This spawning was not planned, she managed to breed with a juvie krib before he went to the LFS :)
My femal kribs have killed a fair few fish in their time whilst looking after their young. My current mum has ruipped my gold spot pleco to shreds defending her young and he isn't even trying to eat them! he just gets too close sometimes. She has killed a guppy and another mum killed some neon tetras. In my 4ft tank, Mum has taken over 2/3 of the tank for her young :S This spawning was not planned, she managed to breed with a juvie krib before he went to the LFS :)

o my god lol

yurs are the exception rite lol, im thinking of getting the calmer subspecies p.tatienius?

will most fish shops buy the young back off you?
P. Taeniatus is no calmer than P. Pulcher. They all have the same aggression level. Hers are not the exception, thats completely normal for Kribs. If you dont want agression, then dont get kribs, simple as that. Ohhh, if you want your tetras to live, dont putt he kribs in with them. I had some Zebra Danio's in my tank with a breeding pair of kribs ( 20g tank), and the danio's ( all 6) were gone in 2 days after they layed eggs. And Zebra Danio's are alot faster than tetras.
P. Taeniatus is no calmer than P. Pulcher. They all have the same aggression level. Hers are not the exception, thats completely normal for Kribs. If you dont want agression, then dont get kribs, simple as that. Ohhh, if you want your tetras to live, dont putt he kribs in with them. I had some Zebra Danio's in my tank with a breeding pair of kribs ( 20g tank), and the danio's ( all 6) were gone in 2 days after they layed eggs. And Zebra Danio's are alot faster than tetras.

you must feed them on aggression tablets :)
P. Taeniatus is no calmer than P. Pulcher. They all have the same aggression level. Hers are not the exception, thats completely normal for Kribs. If you dont want agression, then dont get kribs, simple as that. Ohhh, if you want your tetras to live, dont putt he kribs in with them. I had some Zebra Danio's in my tank with a breeding pair of kribs ( 20g tank), and the danio's ( all 6) were gone in 2 days after they layed eggs. And Zebra Danio's are alot faster than tetras.

Pelvicachromis taeniatus tend to be more peaceful than the common Krib, they are also smaller and more colourful. I would put it down to individual fish.
I've kept Taeniatus once, and they were agressive. I've kept, in my life time( thats 15 years), probably 30 Store Boughten Kribensis. They were ALL aggressive, not one wasnt agressive. Their fry have been agressive to. After the first 2-3 weeks you can tell there is already some agression is going on. Honestly, if you dont want agressive fish, just dont get them. You might want to lean toward s south american Apisto.
i'v reserved a breeding pair at my local aquatics, they're in a tank full of other kribs and clown loaches.
apparently they're guarding eggs, but they seem very placid, only time iv seen agression is between the male and another one.

will fish shops buy baby kribs off you?

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