Black Neon Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
Are black neon tetras nippy?

I have half a dozen for the past few years and have had no problems but my dad has also got a similar number and they said that they are always chasing the white mountain minnows and his 3 neon tetras have suddenly got no tails left. He also has a siemese algae eater and a couple of cories in his 10 gal tank.
your dads tank is massively overstocked and this will be why everyone is hassiling each other. :crazy: :crazy:

also cory's should be in groups of 6 plus
I agree, the Siamese algae eater will eventually grow to 15cm/6" and will need a 90cm tank once it is fully grown. All tetras have the ability to nip fins, they belong to the same family as Pihrana (Characidae) and posess a set of very small teeth.

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