Search results

  1. I

    Leave Light On?

    i'll have to beg my parents agian! lol
  2. I

    Crap Fish Tank Equipment.

    ive got some pretty crappy fish tank stuff to.! :no:
  3. I

    Leave Light On?

    thanx but I got my tank from walmart and I through away me receipt.
  4. I

    Leave Light On?

    I was kinda just wondering if a light on a fishtank helps them grow and prevents them from dieing? My light on my tropical tank has not been working for some reason. I went to take out the lightbulb and a piece of metal fell oughta it??? Should I send the piece back?
  5. I

    Feeding Video !

    sweet vid! :alien:
  6. I

    Whole New Tanks!

    well i think u helped me out the most. Because u gave me the most support and told me what to do.
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    Whole New Tanks!

    thanx a bouch! Chestnut!
  8. I

    Whole New Tanks!

    I havent bought the fish yet. So im going to pretty much get the fish u guys want me to get. ok?
  9. I

    Whole New Tanks!

    jESUS god its alot of money to take care of fish!
  10. I

    Whole New Tanks!

    lol im going to have to get another 40gal. I'll have to ask my parents tonight before i go to bed.
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    Last One For A While....

    Are those pirranas?? Just wondering cuz when i swa them fighting over the thing u through u the tank it popped into my head.
  12. I

    Whole New Tanks!

    ok yesterday me and my parents went out and bought my really early christmas present! I now have a 55gal, 10gal, 5gal, 3gal, 2pints tanks. I just got my 55gal yesterday its huge! I put my dragon Goby in the 10gal. My betta in the 5gal. and the 3gal, 2pint tanks are spare/backup. My 55gal will...
  13. I

    Good/bad? Prices On A 55-60gal>tank?

    ok last night i disscussed the upgrading of tanks to my parents. they said well this is a good hobby for you. Yes we'll upgrade. :drool: But now I cant choose the right tank??? :X What fish im planing to get. (1). Red Belly Pacu. (2). 4 oscars (3). Dragon goby (going to put him in the new...
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    Im Soooo Happy!

    wow! sorry for your losses. but hey atleast they dies toghether.
  15. I

    Im Soooo Happy!

    Ok ive had my eel and my betta in the same tank for about a week now! There like bestest of friends! Im so happy they get along! Also do you have any fish that really get along well or are best budds? Tell me I wanna hear your story! :hey:
  16. I

    Betta & Koi & Goldfish?

    Will they mix? Ive got the temp at 72. Will they fight? :/
  17. I

    Stocking 30 Gal.. Suggestions Please

    those r beautiful fish!
  18. I

    Catfish & Betta?

    I think I know what im going to do with it! Ok im going to take my betta out of his 5gal and put the betta in the 3gal so i can put the eel in there. Its got a heater and hideouts. Ive also got the right food for him bloodworms freeze dried. Is that better? sad1.gif
  19. I

    Dragon Eel! So Cool!

    I think I know what im going to do with it! Ok im going to take my betta out of his 5gal and put the betta in the 3gal so i can put the eel in there. Its got a heater and hideouts. Ive also got the right food for him bloodworms freeze dried. Is that better? :sad:
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    Catfish & Betta?

    i do do do do do do do! its just ive got alot and im trying to find away to keep them healthy and living in the same tank.
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    Catfish & Betta?

    What is your problem god chill!!!! !!!!!!! !! ! ! ! !
  22. I

    Catfish & Betta?

    I take very good care of my fish its just that i take other people that know fish better than me advice! might as well log out now Oohfeeshy so that if you get banned you wont permenetly be out of here.
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    Catfish & Betta?

    you'll get kicked out!
  24. I

    Catfish & Betta?

    I reported-OohFeeshy,Bunjiweb
  25. I

    Dragon Eel! So Cool!

    I just bought a dragon eel! :fun: Its so cool looking. I have it with my goldfish right now and its doing great! :P Heres a pic
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    Catfish & Betta?

    jesus chill u guys good god! Its my fish and I can do whaever I want with it!
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    Catfish & Betta?

    ik thats y the guy said that if it dies "which it wont" I can take it back.
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    Catfish & Betta?

    what do u mean?
  29. I

    Catfish & Betta?

    yes that looks exactly like that!
  30. I

    Catfish & Betta?

    no it said dragon eel. its about 9inches long!
  31. I

    Catfish & Betta?

    ok I decided that id clean my tank. I saw a dragon eel at walmart and I just had to have it! The guy said that it will do fine with goldfish but not with a betta. So i put it in with the goldfish and they dont seem to mind. Also I got to watch a oscar eat dead goldfish how cool is that!
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    Catfish & Betta?

    I was wondering if you can put a catfish and a betta in one tank? My betta is really messy! The catfish will help clean it! :look: Can i do this? :thumbs:
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    Oldies But Goodies

    WOW! pretty fish! :drool:
  34. I

    3,500 gallon tank - what to put in?!

    Jesus! how much is that going to cost???? Well im thinking of making a 110gal tank. custom.
  35. I

    Look What I Found!

    lol my two golfishes names are sharky1 and sharky2. Its so weird. :lol:
  36. I

    Betta And Goldfish Toghether! Yeah!

    But what if its right in the middle??? :sad:
  37. I

    What Have You Done In Desperation For Your Fish?

    Lets see I slaved to make a homade 10gal fish tank. took me the whole day never ate! umm ive spent over 175$$$ on my fish! there spoiled!
  38. I

    Big Fish Feeding Video

    wtf????? holy crap? those are huge fish!! You must have to feed them like 50lbs of food!
  39. I

    Betta And Goldfish Toghether! Yeah!

    But hes doing fine???? Im going to take him out ok? Jeesh! lol He'll Be fine alone right? I think I'll take ur guyses advice! lol im really dum im only 14 lol!
  40. I

    Betta And Goldfish Toghether! Yeah!

    hes doing fine. Hes not sick or anything??? Im going to leave him in there. Its already really warm like 75-80 in our house like everyday! Its really hot. He'll live. :)