Whole New Tanks!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2005
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ok yesterday me and my parents went out and bought my really early christmas present!
I now have a 55gal, 10gal, 5gal, 3gal, 2pints tanks.
I just got my 55gal yesterday its huge!
I put my dragon Goby in the 10gal.
My betta in the 5gal.
and the 3gal, 2pint tanks are spare/backup.
My 55gal will have the following fish in it soon.


1. 2 red belly pacus
2. 5 oscars.
3. 10 neon tetra
4. couple guppies.
5. 1 betta
6. 1-2 catfish (small)

Hope u guys are satisfied with my arrangements.
oh and i got a 40gal for my two goldfish.
That stocking is way off no oscars! And as for piranhas, if your puting community fish in there, dont miss them because they will be gone.
lol im going to have to get another 40gal. I'll have to ask my parents tonight before i go to bed.
Hope u guys are satisfied with my arrangements.

No, in a word.

Red belly pacus will eat all of the small fish your suggesting yet alone outgrow the tank with the greatest of ease.

5 oscars :rolleyes: You can barely fit 1 oscar in there with no other tank mates. So deffinately not 5, once again these will eat any smaller fish.

neons and guppies are pretty much fine with anything, catfish is a very general term to a few thousand species. Your most likely referring to cories though which require to be in atleast groups of 3.

The 10gallon tank is too small for the dragon goby long term and it still might be a brackish species which need mariner salt being added to the water, without a picture of the goby species cannot be confirmed for this though. If it's a freshwater species it may fit in with your stocking in the 55g it can't stay in the 10 for ever though.

next time you decide to post up some fish lists try to bother doing some research before you post it up. At the moment your acting like a stupid litle child pointing at fish and wanting them.
jESUS god its alot of money to take care of fish!
And it would cost you even more money when your fish die because you didn't stock your tank correctly! Think about that. You've been told before that your stocking list won't work out, so do you actually think we'll be happy when you post it again?
if i were you this is what i would do, get easier to care for fish such as guppys platys, or if you dotn want a billion fry each month try some tetras, you could have a very pretty school of glowlite tetras or any samll tetras, you could put in about 20 small tetras and 10 corys (everyone please correct me) and lots of nice plastic or live plants, but i thik with that big of tank you will need CO2 which can be difficult.....anyways good luck! do lots of reasearch! and take care of your fish dont make them unhappy!!!!
I havent bought the fish yet. So im going to pretty much get the fish u guys want me to get. ok?
I have seen a red belly (might of been a black) pacu that was 3', and about 8'' wide. Definetly not appropriate for a 55 gallon, its almost the entire tanks length! Also, a scared pacu can run through glass like it were wet paper. The tank i saw with the pacu had all brick construction, save an acrylic window at the front. For a pair of these plus two oscars I would reccommend no less than a 150 tall. Also, oscars with neon tetras? Do you have any idea how big oscars get and how much they eat? Sorry for being so aggressive, but Paul MTS is right, you are acting like a child pointing at fish you want.

If you do like oscars, you could try maybe 4 in that 55 with a plec or other large catfish. If your unlucky, the oscars will pair up like mine and your capacity will be reduced to 2 oscars. Or, if you like the glowy tetras, try a river tank. No angels with neons allowed, sadly. But black neons should survive. Mine are still, for nearly 1.5 years now. They are tough buggers. Or, if you like the more intelligent showfishes, you could go with a cichlid (south american or mbuna) aquarium. Or, if you like colour and intelligence, you could one day set up a fish only saltwater. Dont try it until you have gained a fair amount of experience with FW.
Or, you could be ultra cool and have an oddball tank.

In the meantime, do plenty of research. I got three years worth and im still not even close to done.

Good luck with asking your parents ;) its tough isnt it? :lol:


(woops, someone beat me to posting!)

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