Crap Fish Tank Equipment.


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Nov 5, 2004
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All the juwel fittings in a tank from, lighting,heaters,and the powerheads, what tank equipment has been a nightmare for you.
The heater i got with my juwel rio 125. The heater didnt have a thermostat, and i almost killed all my fish with heat (30c for a night :|) but they survived thankfully, and i now have a visitherm thermostatic heater.
My hydor filter with bioflw and heater.Fall to bits every time I clean it and impossible to put together.Worst bit of equipment Ive bought --and cost me £45 :/
These Tetratec whisper filters, since they do not start back up after a power surge. This happened once while i was one vacation... Bye Bye catfish.
My tetratec APS100 air pump in my bedroom, supposed to be quiet but it's not at all! I have to switch it off at night! :/
I guess my worse fish equipment has to be my old fluval 404 it containly broke down and leaked all the time cost me a fortune in spares, finally glad to get rid off.

What made me replace in end was when i got up last thursday morning to find overnight nearly half the water contents on the carpet!! what a nightmare to wake up to
The light on some crappy acrylic tank kit I bought at Walmart shorted out on me recently... all of a sudden the light just switched off and I smelled something burning, and my poor dwarf puffers were in darkness for several weeks :X
I don't think Walmart even carries that tank anymore... it was an Aquatank, I'm pretty sure. One of the 6 sided ones.
we had a fluval 404 which came with our new tank, we really were not impressed with the build quality, it was really frail plastic, felt like it might snap at any time! we sold it in the end, wanted to have two matching xp3s. however a friend has an internal fluval and it is fantastic.. really sturdy, and good value for money! :D
AquarLine Aquarclear 3 Filter. Noisy, Come with a spounge which was crap too. My water was fiarly cloudy too then replaced it and yeehaw waters crystal clear :)

The worst equipment I have ever had was this Eheim Liberty power filter. It clogged up literally overnight and there weren't even any fish in the tank yet!

I have also had some bad air pumps. I can't even remember the name of the one I had but It was soooooo bad, it was really loud and vibrated so much that it left black marks on the counter. Then the diaphram broke (after only a week) and when it was replaced it broke again in about a week! I learned my lesson about cheap equipment!
I've been giving this thread some thought, but I really don't have anything bad to say about my equipment. New or used, I feel I've gotten my money's worth. :thumbs:
Yeah, me either. I've had Whisper filters for all my fishkeeping career, never had any problems, except the fact that they can clog pretty easy, but they are easy to unclog.

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