Im Soooo Happy!

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Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2005
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Ok ive had my eel and my betta in the same tank for about a week now!
There like bestest of friends! Im so happy they get along!
Also do you have any fish that really get along well or are best budds? Tell me I wanna hear your story! :hey:
I had a moly and a platy once who where inseperable, they never went anywhere without each other, funny thing is (well not really funny), but they both got white spot and died the same day...pity!!!
A male Gold gourami and a female pearl gourami.
They ruled the tank together.
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I've had to cut some posts from this topic because it strayed from the intent of the member who started it.

Please keep your future posts on topic.
What eel have you got?

I've always wanted to get a fire eel because they are rather incredible but my mum has told me "no more eel things in the house". Maybe it'd be a good deterrant to keep her out of my room. muhahaha.

The only fish I have had that get along *really* well together are same species. Like oscars with oscars, sevs with sevs, half beaks with halfbeaks, guppies with guppies... and so on and so forth.
Mod's Note:

I've had to cut some posts from this topic because it strayed from the intent of the member who started it.

Please keep your future posts on topic.

I ashuming the posts where about his betta and Dragon goby not being compatable and being in a to small tank. How are people supose to lern there doing wrong if you don't alow us to post about it.

Anyway on topic, I use to seperate my platties, when they where due to birth, my male was so attacted to one female he use to just the divider to be with her, so I thought I put her in a trap in his section so he could still see her and he jumped into the trap with her. Was so sweet, I ended up just leaving her with him to have her fry.
Mod's Note:

I've had to cut some posts from this topic because it strayed from the intent of the member who started it.

Please keep your future posts on topic.

I ashuming the posts where about his betta and Dragon goby not being compatable and being in a to small tank. How are people supose to lern there doing wrong if you don't alow us to post about it.

Anyway on topic, I use to seperate my platties, when they where due to birth, my male was so attacted to one female he use to just the divider to be with her, so I thought I put her in a trap in his section so he could still see her and he jumped into the trap with her. Was so sweet, I ended up just leaving her with him to have her fry.

Watch what you say or she'll ban ya from posting.
I think its sad that the need was felt to do this because the fish in tank are all completely incompatable, but hey lets not try and tell them no. Or was it cuz someone posted some information that was total rubbish and they got upset when someone questioned them?????
Ive got a Black rhom (16" diamond back) housed with my RTG arowanas, he chases them around and they seem to love it.
I had a goldfish who was absolutely best buddies with another goldie. It sadly passed away, and its companion spent a whole week moping around on the bottom of the tank. He didn't have any health condition and was fine after a while, so if fish can have "friends," I'd say he did, and knew he lost it, too. There was a study done at some point that noted that social fish like goldfish will often become lethargic and go pale when tankmates die...

Though, I must say Ihave2goldfish, your little pair of friends might face a similar tradgedy too, as from what I've heard the tank size isn't too appropriate. What kind of eel is it?
yer I keep a group of male fighters along with serpae tetras and angels in a 10g, they all get along fine, always chasing and love biting each other.
Hello, everyone. I just wanted to inform you that ihave2goldfish is also asking the same questions on another fish forum, and receiving (and ignoring) the same advice.

I don't know whether or not he is trolling or if he really thinks that we are lying over there, but I just thought I would let you all know.

By the way, spiffy place you have here. I might have to hang around.
The eel in question is a violet goby.

Anyway the most unlikely combo i had was a goldfish and two bala sharks, and they all loved to swim together.
It seems like there is more here than meets the eye, if someone comes here from another forum to criticize us. I will lock this thread now.
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