Catfish & Betta?

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Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2005
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I was wondering if you can put a catfish and a betta in one tank?
My betta is really messy! The catfish will help clean it! :look:
Can i do this? :thumbs:
AFAIK, yes, it can be done. I plan to do it infact.

But the mess, better do a wc to clean it up.
This should be fine as long as you have the right tank volume, i would also recomend a pleco- they will clean the tank far better than any other catfish even if they will outgrow almost any tank.
When you say "messy", do you mean your betta doesn't eat all of it's food? I don't think any fish eats poop if that's what you mean. :sick:

As far as bettas and catfish getting along together, my betta and corrys get along fine in a 16 gallon. :nod:
ok I decided that id clean my tank.
I saw a dragon eel at walmart and I just had to have it!
The guy said that it will do fine with goldfish but not with a betta.
So i put it in with the goldfish and they dont seem to mind.
Also I got to watch a oscar eat dead goldfish how cool is that!
Um, dragon eel? You most likely bought a dragon goby. This a a BRACKISH fish that is TROPICAL and gets huge. It is NOT a bottom scavenger. I cannot begin to say how stupid this was.
Does it look like this?

Thats a dragon goby, often called dragon eels.
Um, dragon eel? You most likely bought a dragon goby. This a a BRACKISH fish that is TROPICAL and gets huge. It is NOT a bottom scavenger. I cannot begin to say how stupid this was.

Violet Goby
AKA: Dragon Goby or Dragon Fish
Gobioides broussoneti (Lacepede, 1800)

Temperment Sociability Min. Tank Availability Area
Peaceful Solitary 80 gallons Semi-Rare Bottom

The Violet Goby, also known as the Dragon Goby, Dragon Fish or Dragon Eel, is an oddball species that should be kept in slightly brackish water with an alkaline pH. The aquarium should be large, and a cave or PVC tube should be provided for the fish to take shelter in. They grow quite large, almost up to two feet in length, but are peaceful and will only harm fish small enough to eat. They can be picked on by more aggressive tankmates, so care should be taken in this regard. Feed sinking meaty foods and use a sandy substrate.
South Carolina to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Max Size:
Slightly Alkaline
68-74° F.
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