Oldies But Goodies


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
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Birmingham, AL
First, the very first fish I ever got from Wuv...and hopefully I'll get many more in the future from her..as I love their little chunky butts! lol

This is Yom shortly after I got him, back in January...

This is him yesterday...

Here he is flirting with Lon...

Little history on Yom:
About 4 months ago him, Bui, and Tip all decided to jump out of their cups...while I was vaccuming the divided tank . :crazy: They all flipped and flopped different directions, I almost stepped on Yom..as I didn't know they were out of the cups and I walked backwards to get something, and happened to noticed several empty cups (yes, I freaked out lol). The only good thing that's ever come from our cleaning crew not mopping the floors on a regular basis..I'll tell you that...otherwise I'm sure they would have all died, from the heavy chemicals in the mop water they use. I'm happy to report, even though everyone involved had some bad days they all recovered and are back to healthy status! I was suprised, to say the least.

ok, ok...on we move...

Little Joi, the younger, smaller brother of Bui.

This is him when I got him back in May...

he was SO tiny!!!

Here he is as of yesterday...

And here he is looking quite mean, sparing through the glass with Sek (one of the "synirr boys" (but jeeze look at Sek's face..if looks could kill... lol) ...

He's not nearly as big as his brother Bui...but then again Bui is just super freakin big too though lol

This is Bui (I got him at the same time)...

This is Bui now...

He's come out of his shell so much. He use to be quite pouty..now he's so friendly and explorative. He's the first one every morning to come to the glass to greet me :wub: .

Here's one of Synir's boys, Sek....when I first got him in August...

And here he is as of yesterday...

He's so SHINY, he's grown quite a bit too, he was uber tiny when I got him lol.

Kam's not really an "oldie" but he sure is a prettie lol...so I had to throw in acouple I got of him as well..he's prolly my fav color right now (that doesn't mean fav fish though lol).


He is super hard to get pics of lol...there's no distinction of body lines lol.
Sure are, and they look very healthy well done.
Bui looks just like my Porsche, and Yom looks identical to Mustang. Twins! (triplets? quadruplets? etc.?) Porsche and Mustang are from Wuv too :nod:
Thankies..I try hard to make sur they stay healthy :).

Bui looks just like my Porsche, and Yom looks identical to Mustang. Twins! (triplets? quadruplets? etc.?) Porsche and Mustang are from Wuv too :nod:

lol they probably are..wouldn't surpise me at all. I love them to death! I think Bui's near death experience opened his little beady eyes and that's why he likes me so much now. Kinda like a sheperd with a rouge sheep...usually somethind bad happens to it and the sheperd saves it..and they are best buds for life after that. :wub:

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