Catfish & Betta?

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depending exactly what species of dragon goby you have it may need brackish conditions which mean adding marine salt to the water but you CAN'T do this with goldfish in the tank. These are also TROPICAL fish which require higher temperatures to survive which goldfish CAN'T live in.

I suggest you take this fish back to the shop before you kill it.

they are very sensitive to water quality.
thats y the guy said that if it dies "which it wont" I can take it back.
What the hell were you thinking for f**ks sake.... why does no one research before they buy their sodding fish....

Find someone with a brakish tank to house the dragon goby, DO NOT TAKE IT BACK TO THE SHOP as they obviously havent got a f**king clue what they are doing and it will no doubt die there or be sent to its death in another goldfish tank.

And as for this...

Of course fish eat thier own poop!
they do it all the time!
you should watch your fish more closly!

Do you actually know what you are typing or are you completely deluded. Do you really think that fish would want to eat a lump of ammonia and excess crap when ammonia can kill a fish so easily? Yes they might test it if they don't realise what it is but they will ALWAYS spit it out.

I suggest some of the idiots in this thread go away and do some reading, lots of research and DONT buy any more fish until they know exactly what the f**k they are doing.


jesus chill u guys good god!
Its my fish and I can do whaever I want with it!
Spot on Bunji! I may not be the most knowledgable when it comes to keeping fish but some of the posts I read on here are rediculous!

jesus chill u guys good god!
Its my fish and I can do whaever I want with it!
Why do you ask for advice on this site if you do not want to listen to it?

I don't know how people can be so cruel! That is a horrible attitude to have! :grr:
What an idiotic, childish, pig ignorant thing to say. Would you say the same to your kid? Uh, NO. If you did you'd have your kid taken away. And you'd deserve it. You are nothing but an ungrateful, thick-as-seven-short-planks spoilt brat. How old are you anyway? Three? Or am I overestimating your mental age? Grow up, get a Tamagotchi or something. You do not deserve to take responsibility for any living thing. In fact, I think the goby would be better off dead than in your care.
I take very good care of my fish its just that i take other people that know fish better than me advice!

might as well log out now Oohfeeshy so that if you get banned you wont permenetly be out of here.
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