What Have You Done In Desperation For Your Fish?


Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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What have you done in desperation for your fish'? Like, what have you done to save them, like weird things?
I once went and spent $30 on meds for a gourami that didn't pull through.
Myself and my wife noticed a few weeks ago that one of our clowns was acting lethargic and gasping for air, its gills had gone bright read and it was obviously fighting for its life. Some people might give up and flush him but we spent over 4 hours monitoring him and making changes and cleaning water. This was at 12 midnight on a sunday and i was up for work at 7 the next day. Anyhoo, after a few hours sleep he was still alive and didnt look to be suffering. 2 days later he did finally pass away to Clown Heaven. Not a success story but it shows dedication.
I rushed out and spent 59 pounds on a hospital tank for a platy that I knew was probably dying, just to make her last few weeks bearable. Money well spent, she was a much-loved fish. And I now have a hospital tank whenever I need one. And it looks like I have saved the rest of the tank from coming down with the same thing.
A month getting my oranda goldfish better which my partner got me, she had brown patches on her belly underneath, plus swim bladder, antibiotics a month of daily water changes, she pulled through, but i still to this day have to keep her on a good diet.
We cut our holiday short by 4 days and came home because the friend house sitting for us told us there was problems with the fish. I've also performed minor surgery on a couple of fish when all other options had been exhausted (and both fish are still alive now).
We cut our holiday short by 4 days and came home because the friend house sitting for us told us there was problems with the fish. I've also performed minor surgery on a couple of fish when all other options had been exhausted (and both fish are still alive now).
What kind of surgery? :blink: Wow.

The most we've done is order levamisole (livestock dewormer) off of the internet to kill some near invincible nematodes :)
Nothing major, i syringed fluid every day for a week from a pim with a suspected blocked intestinal tract which was threatening to burst the fishes guts open and i had a black shark which had a flap of skin which grew over its mouth completely and prevented it from feeding so i cut the skin off with a scalpel and treated the fish to a salt bath and melafix swab daily till it healed. Both fish recovered completely, i still have the pim and the shark is in a LFS display tank.
Crazy! How do you put the fish out? Or is the fish 'awake' for it?
You can use clove oil but you have to no the dosage.
Lets see I slaved to make a homade 10gal fish tank. took me the whole day never ate! umm ive spent over 175$$$ on my fish! there spoiled!
You made your tank homemade?
In total, in over a year and a half of fishkeeping, I've spent over $800.
I'm 13. I cant wait to see what my bill'll look like when I'm 26!
I spent about $450 on my 55G, the rest of it was on 10G's and fish/odds and ends.
Drove 150 miles to get a tank when my old 30G sprung a leak probably.

Or used tweezers to get a pretty big stone out of a fancy goldie's mouth in the local pub's tank- that was a pressure situation, they all went-JULES! You keep fish! Rescue him, he's dying!
i spent over $50 on medications for my guppies wich died three days later.
I spent about $100 on jarring containers for some juvie bettas so I wouldn't have to cull any. I had 40-50 tupperware containers, each with one fish, stacked 6 rows high in my computer room and the storage room of the garage, plus 3 tanks full of juvies that weren't aggressive enough to warrant jarring yet. I had the pleasure of changing the water on all these containers every-other day for around 2-3 months and am finally down to just 26 containers :S
A month getting my oranda goldfish better which my partner got me, she had brown patches on her belly underneath, plus swim bladder, antibiotics a month of daily water changes, she pulled through, but i still to this day have to keep her on a good diet.

have u ne pics

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