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  1. S

    New Tank

    i did really want to keep lots ofplants but i think i will be keeping to a few hardy species for nowas i am going to be keepin 2 kissing gouramis who will uproot my plants from what i've read anyway. Need to have theairstonesinthem to stop the dead spots. will also put the powerhead from my...
  2. S

    New Tank

    Started decorating my tank yesterday. bought a 9ft legnth of bamboo and choped it up and added a few airstones to stop dead spots. what you guys think so far? I need to order some plants online next week week and am going to make a slate cave today. will keep you updated
  3. S

    Tank Competition

    4 tanks largest 55g got a long way to go yet to beat some of you guys.hehe
  4. S


    i didn't think so many people were going to own up when i saw this i've had one mysterious cory death in my 20g community and 6 harlequin rasboras died within 3 weeks before leaving my quarentine tank :no: but none down to bad housekeeping thankfully *touches wood!!! JD
  5. S

    Would This Be Good?

    from what i understand 25w is too much light without injecting co2, will produce masses amounts of algae as you will not have enough plants to get rid of it. IMO i would get a lower w light jd
  6. S

    55 Gal

    i did read that and thats why i thought i could only have the one on his own, didn't think you could get a breeding paid in a 55. thought it was too small. thanks for the help
  7. S

    55 Gal

    i am currently preparing a 55us gal tank. i can't decide between cichlids or a community so i have come for some help. if i get cichlids i want a jack dempsey and wanted to know could i put anything else with him in a tank that size or would it have to be a tank for him on his own?? all help...
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    1st Or 2nd Stocking?

    i think coreys need to be in bigger groups
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    i bought my juwel rekord 60 for £70 in my lsf and that is a 10 gallon tank, but i took out the internal and fittedan old fluval 2 instead, much better
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    how much does each tank cost, you should get the biggest tank you can afford as is is much easier to keep the water stable as it would take longer for the water to become toxic etc...
  11. S

    How Much Did You Spend On Your Setup?

    55g fluval duo 1200 setup £270 305 external filter £80 rena air pump + accesories £20 co2 £20 substrate £30 decor £15 20g fluval 800 setup £170 105 external filter £60 decor £50 substrate £3 10g (hospital/quarentine juwel rekord 60 setup £70 5g 5gal hex setup £30 fluval 1 £13 fakeplants £5...
  12. S

    New Filter Fluval 105 Or 205?

    i have a 105 in my fluval uno800 and a 305 in my duo 1200 and i had to cut half of the cutout out to get the hood to sit properly. make sure you tape up the gaps though to make sure your fish don't jump JD
  13. S

    Which Filter?

    got a fluval 305 last weekend and it does a great job
  14. S

    8 Gallon Aquarium

    aren't pigmy rasboras hard to keep?
  15. S

    8 Gallon Aquarium

    corydoras are social fish and prefer to be in groups of 5 or more and i think a tank of 10g is needed for wcm minnows. not sure about the gourami. You could get a betta and a few shrimp or a few african dwarf frogs, much better suited to the tank size i would think
  16. S

    Can The Tank Water "evaporate"..... Even With The Filter On

    yes it can, especialy as the water is warm "yes" beat me to it
  17. S

    Tetratec Ex700 (question)

    could you add/diy a spray bar, that would slow the flow rate down and dispurse it over a greater area. Would have thought the motor is fine if its only been turned hown a bit but obviously too much stress would end its life a lot quicker
  18. S

    Following An Earlier Post

    cheers mate. hope my fish are ok!!!
  19. S

    Following An Earlier Post

    all i have is anti-fungus and antislime/velvet which i bought yesterday. If you could give me a list of what meds i should have on hand thet would be brilliant. will get whitespot med and melafix and methylene blue tomorrow
  20. S

    Following An Earlier Post

    thanks a lot for the quick replies wilder
  21. S

    Following An Earlier Post

    water change done. i do not have whitespot meds so i will put in a 1/4 dose of finrot med (as 50% is still in there) and dose 1/4 dose of whitespor tomorrow. does thet sound right???
  22. S

    Following An Earlier Post

    just had a close look and he is breathing rapidly. i shall do a 90% water change and re-medicate for the quins
  23. S

    Following An Earlier Post

    no they look like very fine specks. i have my 55g running with no fish in it at the moment and media maturing in a 20g. should i transfer the plec to there?
  24. S

    Following An Earlier Post

    i bought 6 harlequin rasboras and 2 bn plecs on 19th march and put themstraight into my quarentine tank. 1 died everyday for 3 days which left me with 3 harlequins and 2 bn plecs. 4 hays ago i diagnosedthequins with fin rot with the help of you guys. Put interpet anti-fungus/fin rot treatment...
  25. S

    Do You Have To Cycle A Small Tank

    i have a fluval 1 in my 5gal hex tank, i have put an elbow on the output so it faces straight up towards the top of the tank. The filter is at the top of the tank and does not create hardly any current within the tank but have lots of surface agitation but not so much that my betta can't make...
  26. S

    Do You Have To Cycle A Small Tank

    you can just "plop" a betta in there without cycling but you will have to change most of the water 1-2 times a week as ammonia will quickly build up in sucha small tank. I would suggest getting a filter if possible and cycling it as it would be a lot less stressful for the fish involved
  27. S

    Which Filter?

    i have a fluval 105 and 305 and have had no problems with them at all. I would recomend them to anyone
  28. S

    Can Fish Swim Backwards?

    i know swordtails can swim backwards, very quickly at that
  29. S

    Ph Test Kit

    yes they do. i've smashed 2 of mine aswell. lol
  30. S

    Ph Test Kit

    just bought an aquarium pharmaceuticals ph test kit that ranges from 6.0 - 7.6. the test came out as a perfect match to 7.6, the highest on the sheet, so does that mean it's 7.6 for sure or that i will have to buy the high ph test kit and see what that comes out with???
  31. S

    Angel Fish

    is it going in your 120 litre
  32. S

    Angel Fish

    10g much too small. the taller the tank is the better. Think it should be a minimum of 18" tall as angels get quite large. you beat me too it phoenix
  33. S

    A Quick Question

    thats good news then. wish i had a piece of mopani that big, for my tank!
  34. S

    A Quick Question

    i just thought that as the harlequins or cardinals are less than 2" that a fish over 2" would be less likelyto get bullied (the method behind the madness)lol i'll take your advice though. Thesetup in your tank looks nice, that piece ofmopani looks huge. how big is the tank??
  35. S

    A Quick Question

    was thinking they might get harrased and thought of buenos aires tetras or black widdow tetras instead of the harlequins. Would those be better as they are slightly larger?
  36. S

    A Quick Question

    thanks nim. I have not bought any of these fish yet, can anyone predic problems with thesefish in the future
  37. S

    A Quick Question

    a 55 gal (4ft)
  38. S

    A Quick Question

    could a red-finned shark go with: 12 harlequin rasboras 2 bristlenose plecs 4-6 amano shrimp 2 rams 2 kissing gouramis JD
  39. S


    ok thanks. will have to find some meds tomorrow. Thanks for the help. didnt think anyone was going to answer. JD
  40. S


    ok thanks wilder. will have to go looking for myxazin tomorrow. how dangerous is it? (the white spots not the med)