8 Gallon Aquarium


Fish Herder
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
Luton, Britain
Im converting to a new tank from my 3 gallon.

its about 8 US gallons volume:

Could i keep:

A dwarf Gourami, 2 Catfish (Cory? or you suggest, i really like cory's though) and about 3 White cloud mountain minnows in this tank? (Is this pushing it too far?) I think i can do it!

I will do weekly 25% water changes. I know all the rules and have a biological balance in my tank with just a few white clouds.
corydoras are social fish and prefer to be in groups of 5 or more and i think a tank of 10g is needed for wcm minnows. not sure about the gourami.

You could get a betta and a few shrimp or a few african dwarf frogs, much better suited to the tank size i would think
It should be fine as long as you stick to a smaller Gourami and Cory's like Pandas or even better, Pygmy's which only grow to about 1". Just keep in mind the eventual size of the fish!
thanks for your replies! I will look for a honey gourami and a pygmy catfish!

Any other suggestions of fish which i could use in a tank of that size?

Are there other alternatives to White clouds?
maybe pygmy rasbora? but I'm not sure about how your stocking levels will get with them. Also, you need to get 4+ Pygmy Corydoras.

Honey Gourami=1.7 inches
Pygmy Rasbora=1 inch
Pygmy Corydoras =1-1.5 inches
How many corydora catfish could i have (if i cant find pygmy's) Would 2-3 be permissiable?

And honey gourami's - do you recon 2 of those would be ok, and 3-4 white clouds... (which i may replace with some other very small fish)

In total - that would be:

2-3 Cory's
2 Honey Gourami's
3-4 White clouds

Thanks, will be waiting for comments!
I would be inclined to keep a single honey in a tank of that size, otherwise you run the risk of your honey pair being extremely agressive to your few other fish in a tiny space ;)
Stick with the one gourami.
Go with the small cories and get atleast 5.
How many corydora catfish could i have (if i cant find pygmy's) Would 2-3 be permissiable?
No, normal sized cories get too big for your tank, and need to be kept in groups of 5 at the very least.
And I know people are going to disagree with me on this but I believe that white cloude minnows shouldn't be kept in small tanks. They are very active, comparable to danios, and its not right to keep danios in less then 20 gallons so why not have the same rule for WCMM?

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