Do You Have To Cycle A Small Tank

Captain Retardo

Fish Herder
Feb 25, 2006
Reaction score
Minnesota, USA
Hello Everybody! I will be getting a 3 gallon or 5 gallon (US gallons) tank soon and I plan to divide it, I will put 2 bettas in there. I am wondering, do i have to cycle it, or do i just plop the betta in?

you can just "plop" a betta in there without cycling but you will have to change most of the water 1-2 times a week as ammonia will quickly build up in sucha small tank. I would suggest getting a filter if possible and cycling it as it would be a lot less stressful for the fish involved
i have a fluval 1 in my 5gal hex tank, i have put an elbow on the output so it faces straight up towards the top of the tank.
The filter is at the top of the tank and does not create hardly any current within the tank but have lots of surface agitation but not so much that my betta can't make his bubble nest
A sponge filter has been used for numerous fry tanks because they are so gentle and don't suck in fry. So your betta should be absolutely fine with it.

On the other hand, my betta is one weird female and loves the water outlet flow from the Eclipse system I have. Bettas are crazy sometimes, go figure.
Wait, one more question, what about lighting? I dont have a lamp, do they sell lights for 5 gallons tank? and how much money does it cost?
Hi again, Cpt. Retardo!

You can get clip-on compact flourescent lights like these. I've seen them at either Petco or PetSmart (can't remember which) and sells them here too.

Thanks again wendywc! (After looking around the house, I have found a lamp that is exactly like those lamps that you showed me, except it sits on the stand, it is fluorescent (spelling?) too!)

One last question, our water over here has a pH of around 7.5-7.6, I know bettas can live in that but I would rather have it live more comfortably in a pH of around 6.4. Could i put peat moss in the tank with bettas? How much to lower it to around pH=6.4

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