A Quick Question


Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2006
Reaction score
Cardiff, UK
could a red-finned shark go with:

12 harlequin rasboras
2 bristlenose plecs
4-6 amano shrimp
2 rams
2 kissing gouramis

No. You can have a single red finned shark as well.
3 is to create a territory hierarchy so the there is not always a single shark thats always battered. They should NEVER be kept as a pair and must be either single (ideal) or in numbers greater then 3 but a maximum of 3 in a 4ft tank.


To answer the original question,

Yes. :nod: a single red finned shark can go in with these fish

thanks nim.

I have not bought any of these fish yet, can anyone predic problems with thesefish in the future
I think they will be fine.

I am not a fan of Bristle nose plecs though but they are one of the few small hard working plecs that dont to too much damage to plants.

Apart from that the kissing gourami eventually will get very big and may start to consider the likes of rasboras as food.


kewl and nice sig tank

Thankyou :)
was thinking they might get harrased and thought of buenos aires tetras or black widdow tetras instead of the harlequins. Would those be better as they are slightly larger?
You dont wanna know what I got in there :p

I will start a new thread in one of the sections soon and send you the link ;)


Think about this John,

Smaller fish = Lesser bioload = larger schooling numbers possible
larger fish = heavy Bioload = More impactful fish but may not school.

My personal preference would be to get Cardinal tetras or stick with rasboras. BA tetras tend to get a bit much bigger and will not school..Black Widow tetra or the Blackskirt can be vicious fin nippers and a bit too fast for any slow or peace loving fish.

i just thought that as the harlequins or cardinals are less than 2" that a fish over 2" would be less likelyto get bullied (the method behind the madness)lol
i'll take your advice though. Thesetup in your tank looks nice, that piece ofmopani looks huge. how big is the tank??
Its a 4foot tank. Juwel Rio 240. The bogwood piece is about 40" :blink:

There is really nothing that will harass them. RTB shark and family only harasses fish that challange them. They dont bother my cardinals or rasboras or otos but they can pull the life out of my gold barbs.

Cardinals do get to about 2" so they should be fine :)


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