Tank Competition

Somethings Fishy Here

Fish Fanatic
Nov 4, 2005
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Ok! I'm bored so I decided to come up with an idea! Post the quantity (in gallons US... or UK if you dont wanna hunt down the conversion) and also post the number of aquariums you have (for fairness we wont include betta bowls or koi ponds... MUST have a running filter to count as an aquarium!) The winner of each gets.... the satisfaction of everyone knowing they won!! :D

Largest Aquarium: 150 gallons (US)
Number of Aquariums: 3
I remember when they tried this on another forum... one guy just owned it with his 50,000 gallon tank, a 15,000 gallon tank and at least 3 or 4 800+ gallon tanks. Think he had around 80 tanks or something, almost all over 100 gallons.

As for moi...

7 tanks, largest 150 imp gallon (plus three more sump tanks)
Largest tank; 65 U.S. gallon

Number of tanks; 16
largest, and right now only tank- 240 us gallons

i've got an empty 55 i'm thinking of turning into an african cichlid tank
and theres a 100 gallon that i'm thinking of restoring and putting an oscar in
Largest only 205 gallons at the moment and 15 tanks running

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