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    I Just Don't Get How Sponge Filters Work...

    I couldn't explain it better than that!
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    I Went To One Of These Today

    I travel alot in Ohio, and I was in Columbus about two weeks ago. I didn't know about the store until today. The worst part is I was less than a mile away from the Columbus store! I'll get there next time!
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    I Went To One Of These Today

    Store link I went to the one in Cleveland. These are really great stores. The tank selection is amazing, and it will make you drool! I even got a bath. If you go to the link, click on the store tour button. Pics 10 and 19 will give you an idea of the tank. They are about 500 us gallons, and...
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    Where Can I Purchase Pure Ammonia?

    Ammonia..It will ussually say unscented or something like pure. Read the label. it should only have ammonia, and maybe water if it's diluted.
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    If you have fish that are from rivers in the wild, mount it in the corner and let it make currents. My clown loaches became more active when I added the Magnum filter. It makes a lot of current.
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    Where Can I Purchase Pure Ammonia?

    The cleaning dept. of most grocery stores. Target, K-mart, etc. Make absolutly sure it is pure unscented. Read the label closely
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    Can I Feed My Fish Freeze Dried Blood Worms?

    I have never had problems with freeze dried foods. I use them on a regular basis. I rotate flake, pellet, frozen, and freeze dried. I think the key is variety. Last night I even fed my fish some fancy lettuce. The silver dollars were like little pirhanas(sp). The label of the freeze dried...
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    Silver Dollar-how To Take Care

    I bought a bag of fancy lettuce for salads. I put a few leaves in, and they devoured it. I use a rubber band around a small rock to hold it in place.
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    What Interesting Things Do You Feed Your Fish?

    I bought a bag of the fancy lettuce. It has romaine, dandelion, and some other red leaves in it. I enjoy it in my salad. I fed some of the leaves to my fish, and they devoured it. The silver dollars, loachs rtbs, and the tetras all ate it. I was surprised at fast it went.
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    Feeding Freeze Dried Food

    Most fish that are eating flake food are conditioned to eat prepared food. I've never had a problem. The fish that only eat live food are the hard ones to convert.
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    I don't have personal experience with the yoyos, but the clowns don't bother any of my other fish. I know the skunk loach can be fiesty, but I believe most loachs are peaceful. I don't think it would be a problem.
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    Fresh Water Rays

    Thanks for the info. I'm thinking I might not get a ray. They are awaesome fish, but they may be a ;ittle too sensitive.
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    Fresh Water Rays

    I may be moving next year. If I do, I'm getting a large tank. probally 200+ gallons. I know some of the rays would be too big for even this tank. I was wondering has anyone had experience with some of the smaller rays? The one lfs that sells tham will not guarentee them, because they are...
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    What Size Tank Would You Start To Think About External Instead Of Inte

    Based on nothing but my opinion, I would say 55 gal would be the minimum. Most tank that are smaller than 55 can very effectivly be filtered by H.O.B style filters for a lot less money than what an external would cost. There are always exceptions. If you have a small tank that is overstocked, or...
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    What Are You Feeding?

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    A Maintenance Schedule...

    I posted earlier about feeding, and was told I'm over feeding at twice a day. Your post says AT LEAST twice a day. I personnaly fell that two small meals is better than one bigger one, but I'm trying the once a day approach, to see if it makes a difference. If it's available, I would love to see...
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    What Has Happerned To My Pim

    Maybe it's me or my computer, but every post from "dangerousdan" is just a ".". Did I miss something? Should I take Internet 101 again?
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    Quarantine Tank

    Another possible problem. What do you do with the small filter after the quarintine? If you put it back on the "main" tank, you risk bringing back the disease.
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    Tropical FF Pet Peeves

    Until I read this post, I had no idea that the post count was so important to everyone. I have never even looked at my own post count, let alone others. The funny thing is I'm sitting here typing, and wondering about how people will look at this post. Will it be viewed as a legitimate post, or...
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    Show Me Your Car!

    Thank you guys. I'm in the USA, and I always enjoy reading about the cars of europe.
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    Mailing Fish

    I thought the US had some wierd laws.
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    What Species Of Fish Enjoy/play In/live In Sand

    I don't know why, but my clown loaches don't seem to bother the mts. Every other snail is food.
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    Ghost Shrimp, Feeding Time..

    They would try to catch the smallest fish. I found one with a neon tetra, but I'm not sure if it killed it, or if it died and the shrimp was just eating it. It doesn't suprise me they would grab a betta because of the long fins. Other than the one neon, I never lost fish to the shrimp.
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    Shrimp And Clown Loaches....

    I've kept them together for the longest time. All of a sudden I can't keep the shrimp alive for more than a day. I assume it is the loaches that are eating them. It's a shame, because I always liked the shrimp. :( My largest is about four inches.
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    Best Algae-eater?

    I agree with bloozoo, but if you really want an algae eater, I have had really good luck with the rubber lip pleco. They stay small, and do a pretty good job.
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    -------albino Africa Clawed Aquatic Frogs------------

    I learned the hard way they don't mix well with fish. They are very hardy animals. They will eat just about anything. They do not appear to be very smart. Mine didn't hide very much. If they breed, you will have about 5,000 tadpoles that will turn into 5,000 little frogs.
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    Ghost Shrimp, Feeding Time..

    Mine used to do this. I had one that would sit on top of the power head, and grab food as it went by. The others were like little space craft. they would emerge from their hiding place, and take off after the food.
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    What Are You Feeding?

    I've been feeding this way for a long time. I will cut back on the times that I feed, and see how it goes. I always thought I was feeding them pretty light compared to others I have read about. I have very rarely had problems. Most of the ammonia spikes I have had, have been after power...
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    What Do We Think Of The Moderators Here On Tff?

    For the most part the mods do a good job. Other forums I frequent will not allow you to have a negative opinion, even if you back it up with sound reasons. Many of my post have just disappeared into cyberspace.
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    Tropical FF Pet Peeves

    I can't stand post that need to be decifiered(sp). I hate the language of the internet.
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    Tropical FF Pet Peeves

    I hate it when someone asks a question, and waits for the answer they want. I hate when someone is new to a forum and they post a question in the wrong topic. Then the first reply is "This should be under chit chat, not the oddball forum", or "Mods please move!!!" It's not like we are at work...
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    What Are You Feeding?

    I was just wondering what everybodies feeding schedule is, and what they feed?(their fish) I feed twice a day, and try to rotate different foods. I ussualy do flakes in the morning, and the evening feeding is when I rotate. I try to mix it up for them. I feed frozen brine shrimp, freeze dried...
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    Its Finally Got Water In It

    Tha last used tank I set up had a cloudy appearance to the glass. Once the water was in, you couldn't see it.
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    Is It Possible To Make A Pleco Less Shy?

    I've had excellent results with the rubber lip pleco. He stays small, and does a good job with the algae.
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    Whats Your Favorite Fish?

    I have four of these guys. The more there are, the more fun they are. I had some cocktail shrimp left over from a party. I cut it into small pieces, and fed it them. They started clicking like mad, and chasing each other around trying to steal the piece of shrimp from the other one. They are a...
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    Agressive Rtbs

    This doesn't help you, but I find it odd that he is being so aggressive towards other fish. I have kept rtbs for some time now. My current one is over five years old. I have never had any problem unless the other fish resembles a rtbs. He occassionaly will go after my clown loachs, but it looks...
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    Funny Fish Facts

    Fish don't have to wait 30 minutes after eating before they can swim!
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    Whats Your Favorite Fish?

    Right now, it my clown loach's.
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    How Much Do You Spend On Your Fish A Year?

    What ever my wife allows me to spend. I just saw a used 180 gal w/ a built in sump, stand, and lighting. If I was single it would be in the basement now.
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    Barley Straw

    My cousin has a 3,000 gallon outdoor koi pond. The barley straw does make a noticable difference with the alge. I'm not sure of the brand, but it looks like a wafer the size of your hand.