Shrimp And Clown Loaches....


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2005
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And do you have any species suggestions for a low light, 125 gallon.
the only shrimp I have succesfully kept with clowns are
cameroon armoured shrimp Atyopsis gabonensis
make sure the shrimp are of a fair size to start with 3"+
otherwise the may end up as food.
Ok, thats what I needed to know. We're planning on putting 4 clown loaches in our 125 gallon planted tank, and we wanted shrimp too...

Have you tried amano shrimp? They're probably too little, but I figured it was worth a try...
Yes i di try ammo shrimp
they lasted all of 5 mins
expensive treat for the clowns.
Ok, thanks!!! We'll let the clowns eat the fish food, and spend our money elsewhere!
I keep a couple of clown loaches with my amano no problem at all although the clowns have plenty of platy fry to eat :D The more they eat the richer the red and black.

Ive got four clown loaches (the biggest is 4") in my 100lt tank with Amano shrimp and they get on fine. Dont think they've eaten a single one. I dont feed them live food so they may have got out of the habbit.

I've kept them together for the longest time. All of a sudden I can't keep the shrimp alive for more than a day. I assume it is the loaches that are eating them. It's a shame, because I always liked the shrimp. :( My largest is about four inches.

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