Ghost Shrimp, Feeding Time..


Fish Crazy
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
My new ghost shrimp is about 1.5". I bought him a week ago.. yesterday he started something odd, he's actually swimming to the top of the tank when I put the food in and eating off the top.. he grabs as many pieces as he can and stuffs them in his mouth before going to a log.. some feedings he spends the whole time swimming, eating.. it freaks the hell outta the fish but its cool.

Anyone else's do this..?
Mine used to do this. I had one that would sit on top of the power head, and grab food as it went by. The others were like little space craft. they would emerge from their hiding place, and take off after the food.
by any chance, have yours ever nipped at a fish?

mine was swimming about and latched onto my betta, i think it was not intentional, but the betta taught him a lesson anyways and they avoid each other now. well, the shrimp runs the other way :p
They would try to catch the smallest fish. I found one with a neon tetra, but I'm not sure if it killed it, or if it died and the shrimp was just eating it. It doesn't suprise me they would grab a betta because of the long fins. Other than the one neon, I never lost fish to the shrimp.
Are shrimp ok with fry? I have them in with guppy fry, just over 1/2 inch long.
Are shrimp ok with fry? I have them in with guppy fry, just over 1/2 inch long.

My ghosts have never bothered my guppy fry. 1/2-inch long fry should be able to take care of themselves around ghost shrimp. Any type of shrimp w/ bigger arms (like macrobranchium spp) might be able to grab one, though.

Mine ghosts feed at all levels. If flake food lands on the bare bottom tank, they'll cruise the bottom and pick it up. I think they'd have a tougher time finding the food on a gravel substrate, though.

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