Can I Feed My Fish Freeze Dried Blood Worms?


Sep 3, 2005
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I heard that freeze dried food isn't healthy for fish but is it true because I need to give my fish some variety since they keep getting constipated?
:blink: Why would they have to be warm I thought you could put them in just like flakes since they come in a can like flakes. Or would it be better if I got the frozen kind and then defrosted them before putting a cube in?
:blink: Why would they have to be warm I thought you could put them in just like flakes since they come in a can like flakes. Or would it be better if I got the frozen kind and then defrosted them before putting a cube in?

Yeah defrosted I mean. It's different in my place we make them warm lol.
i put mine in a small cup of really hot waterand just pour the water in
Guys, Durbkat is talking about FREEZE DRIED bloodworms, not frozen ;)
If your fish are getting constipated, don't feed them freeze dried foods, it will just make it worse. Frozen/live bloodworms, brine shrimp etc would be much better then freeze dried foods, also try frozen peas, that should help them out.
Freeze dried foods are fine to feed, I try not to feed them more then once a week though, because they can cause the fish to get "plugged up" and just aren't as healthy as live/flake/pelleted/frozen foods.
Hi Durbkat :)

I would recommend tubifex worms over bloodworms, if you are going to use freeze dried. They are finer and soak up the water faster. To feed them to the fish, hold the cube under water for a few seconds so it can get wet and then squeeze it and rub it between your fingers. The cube will come apart and the worms will separate. Some of the fish will eat them while they are floating, and your corys will enjoy the ones that reach the bottom.

Even better for your fish are live foods such as blackworms. :D
I don't have corys in my 55g. I'm not going to use freeze dried after just reading that it will only make it worse. So if they don't have frozen/live tubifex worms I'll get frozen/live blood worms. Which foods would you all recommend for a variety that comes in a can or something?
I have never had problems with freeze dried foods. I use them on a regular basis. I rotate flake, pellet, frozen, and freeze dried. I think the key is variety. Last night I even fed my fish some fancy lettuce. The silver dollars were like little pirhanas(sp). The label of the freeze dried plankton I use reads "feed two to three times a week in conjuction with other staple foods." I agree that live/frozen is the best way to go, but I'd like to know the logic behind people thinking freeze dried is not good for fish.
Durbkat, Dr Foster and Smith sell daphnia. It's a little pricey, but it's supposed to clean out the fish. I have not used it, but it may be helpful for your fish. Another product I'm prety happy with is Marineland Labs "Bio-Blend". According to the analysis it's pretty healthy. For frozen food, I like the SanFranciscoBay brand. I use the freshwater multi pack. Once again, variety. Good luck.

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