Silver Dollar-how To Take Care


New Member
Jan 2, 2006
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Weatherford, Texas
Recently purchased 5 Silver Dollars. They school together really well. But I seem to have a problem with the eating. I have 4- gouramis in the tank with them. I make sure that there is food left over after the other fish eat. Any suggestion? :nod:
My silver dollar loves freeze dried tubifex worms I just break the cube into quarters and he eats it all! He also likes sinking foods which I bought for my old plec, but not as much as he likes the tubifex!
I believe they need a certain amount of vegetable matter in their diet.

What if they won't eat it? Mine is very picky about what it eats at the moment! At first he went made for the sinking food but now he's not intereseted in it!

I have also tried him on peas and cucumber but he's not keen on them either! He did once have some chicken that fell from my nieces sarnie and he wolfed that up (Hasnt had any since) Any suggestions of other veg that I can try mine on?

Not that I'll have him much longer as meant to be taking him to LFS if nobody on here wants him (he's in the buy/sell/exchange bit) Will miss him alot though
Hey thanks for moving the post to the correct place :nod:

I purchased the tubiflex... :sick: didn't appear to like them. I also tryed the shrimp pellets..... at least they tasted them. After supper I'll serve them so lettuce and see how they like that. :/ I am retired and have sometime on my hands but this is terrible. Kinda like taking care of horses and cattle. :sad:

Thanks for all your personal help and I hope to find something they'll eat :D
Hey thanks for moving the post to the correct place :nod:

I purchased the tubiflex... :sick: didn't appear to like them. I also tryed the shrimp pellets..... at least they tasted them. After supper I'll serve them so lettuce and see how they like that. :/ I am retired and have sometime on my hands but this is terrible. Kinda like taking care of horses and cattle. :sad:

Thanks for all your personal help and I hope to find something they'll eat :D
You're retired & you can "work" the internet - my mum or dad could never do that!!!
:lol: Well done buddy, hope your silver's start eating real soon! :thumbs:
Yeah, I am the lucky one..... been retired since 2002 just after my 39 birthday. Ok, hubby retired and I became unemployed :p

Still trying to keep the fish alive...... lettuce didn't work either. My have to make another trip to town tomorrow for some other kind of food.
Have you tried frozen peas (remove skin first)! They might just be a little nervous! My silver dollar is pretty nervous and at first never came out from behind the bogwood if someone was in the room!

So you could just try putting some food in and leaving it for at least ten mins (I know its not ideal but it might get them to eat)
Hey, we have a winner :nod: the silver $'s are eating reptile sticks. It takes them a few minutes but they finally eat the food. I am still going to try some cichlid food. I am having to turn the pumps off and keep everyone out of the den for a few minutes until the finish. I hope that they will become more socialized in the near future. It's not fun when your fish swim and hide each time someone walk around the tank. :crazy:
If you start them out on something, and they wont eat it, keep giving it to them as they will not starve themselves to death and will eat wat ever when they get hungry. If they dont eat something, and after 5 mins they havent touched it much take it out, and try again the next day. They will get the point.
It may take some time before they get used to people in the room! It has taken mine a move to a smaller tank before he will be out and about! He has now adjusted to people being about! They are very skitty fish unfortunately! It's a shame you don't live in the UK you could have had mine!

Good luck with them! But don't give up they do get accustomed to people in the end! Will eventually take food from your hand in time!
I bought a bag of fancy lettuce for salads. I put a few leaves in, and they devoured it. I use a rubber band around a small rock to hold it in place.
I have 2 silvers, and there are several vegetables they like. Fresh cilantro from the grocery store, just rinsed off and thrown in the tank dosen't last long, and neither does any sort of cabbage. they hate carrots and lettuce, though. good luck with the dollars!
i have a shoal of silver dollers and i feed them on plecy wafers they love em

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