Tropical FF Pet Peeves

People who think your tank should look more like their tank or that you should have a certain fish that they have. -- Not really on this board, but addresses a couple of my past experiences.

Someone who repeats something erroneous and doesn't listen to anything else. -- peeve in general

Not a peeve -- I just wish a couple people would clean their glass before they took pictures of their fish and tank so there at least wouldn't be any water spots.
not anything to do with tff but small children in pet stores who push in front of you, make loads of noise upset the whole shop and the fish, and then the parents who can't control their children and will not accept advice and buy a goldfish for a 5 gallon tank. :grr:
I hate it when someone asks a question, and waits for the answer they want.
I hate when someone is new to a forum and they post a question in the wrong topic. Then the first reply is "This should be under chit chat, not the oddball forum", or "Mods please move!!!" It's not like we are at work, and everything needs to be filled out properly!
I hate when someone gives advice, and someone else gives the exact opposite advice. Then they back it up with the other poster is wrong.
I hate when a topic is "bumped" every hour. Give it a day or so.
Yeah, I hate when people just type any old thing to get their post count up... :hey: :lol:
I really dont like....

Stupid people.

Excessive abriviations. Ex. "Wht u doin 2morrow."

All the posts in the livebearer section that have "OMG BABIES" in the title.
I hate it when people assume that the reason I say "I agree" or just post a link or do any number of things that don't require a two page response, is to get my post count up. I personally think post count should be moved to your profile. 1. It makes people think I'm smarter than I am. 2. It makes people think that other members with lower post counts are dumber than they are. 3. It causes a lot of friction between members. 4. It makes me think twice about posting short answers that are sufficient. I don't want to have to think about my post count.
I agree with the placing of the post count on the profile. It irritates me that some members seem to think it is a contest. The status of Leader of the fishes should be given out for helpful and sound advice not for answering ever post even when you have nothing useful to say.
Maybe I worded my 'peeve' slightly wrong about the linking.

I find it annoying when people just link when someone has asked a question needing personal responses, obviously if someone has asked for a link is fine just to post the link. But if your going to post a link I like to be told about whats in the link "I have used this page in the past for information of soft cheeses, hope it's of some use to you, I found it very informative" and then the link.
people that stock wonderful big tanks with pathetically small boring fish.

and last one people that quote lines from Finding Nemo, like "fish are friends not food" or something like that.
Well maybe people can't afford a $200 fish for there big tank. :look:

Whats wrong with people quoting finding nemo I find the quote "fish are friends, not food" kinda funny.
When someone asks for advice on something they already own, and when the advice happens to contradict their current setup...they chose not to listen to it.
Whats wrong with people quoting finding nemo I find the quote "fish are friends, not food" kinda funny.

Nothing durbkat it make me laugh.

What peeves me off is members moaning all the time.
One of my biggest ones is over in the emergency section, when someone posts asking for help, but then ignores any questions they are asked, such as their stocking or water stats. Its even worse when they then get mad because people won't anser them
This is only a peeve because I get my hopes up real high and then i get shot down. I'll see a title for something for sale, and its always something that I want, and I click on it, read all about it, and at the very end it says located in the UK. Does me no good in america. I get upset =(

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