Search results

  1. M

    Rocks weigth / aquarium glass

    It won't be an aquarium of rocks, I still want a freshwater aquarium and not a freshrocks aquarium ! ;) I will probably stack of a few rocks on one side and lay few rocks around the footprint of the tank. Great, thanks all for your inputs !
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    Rocks weigth / aquarium glass

    It's a regular 55G tank. Not sure if it's tempered or not. It's a freshwater aquarium and i would like to stack multiple rocks to create hiding area. If I understand your comments correctly @Slaphppy7, rocks and weigth won't be a concern if i use egg crates buried under my substrate? The...
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    Rocks weigth / aquarium glass

    Hi everyone, I just saw @CassCats aquarium in Tank of the month contest and I was wondering, how much weigth does the bottom aquarium glass can support? On the picture there's one big rock but how much rocks can we stack on each other? Anything to consider to make it work? Is it only to make...
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    Pleco Appreciation Thread

    Your lipped pleco is nice ! What's the color on the tip of is tail? Orange? :) @Pidge1992 what kind of substrat do you use? Is it regular black gravel? Looks like smaller than regular. Looking good !
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    Red tail shark - Thailand biotope

    Thanks @madmark285 ! I tried to order the magazine but the process is weird. You must pay by PayPal and then give your mailing address by private message on Facebook. I'll stick to their website ! ? Thanks all for your inputs!
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    Red tail shark - Thailand biotope

    Thanks @Stan510 I didn't realize clown loaches and RTS were from the same region. I'm going to do some more digging with fishes. Any tips on substrat/rock/driftwood design if I want to mimic the look of thailand habitat? Thanks !
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    Red tail shark - Thailand biotope

    Hi guys, I'm looking to set up a new 55G aquarium and I'm still not sure what will be in it. I want a nice looking biotope but still not sure which one yet. My #1 would be a Thailand biotope with a Red tail shark as the center piece. I did some digging but still not sure what a red tail shark...
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    Spotted Orange Seam Pleco (l106)

    I agree they are beautiful fish. There's no way I will be able to feed him clown loaches are just too fast and they will eat every pieces that touch the water ! So far my L106 stay near a driftwood. He doesn't eat much but he's looks healthy. It's been almost 1 week now and he's...
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    Spotted Orange Seam Pleco (l106)

    I'm still trying to find out the difference between mine and yours..! Thanks dave
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    Spotted Orange Seam Pleco (l106)

    I took 2 pictures last night. Pics aren't great quality but if anyone can help me identify if its a L106 or L122, I would appreciate! Picture 1 It's dark : Picture 2 with flash : Marc
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    Spotted Orange Seam Pleco (l106)

    Do you have any pictures of your L122 ? I'm confused. Both looks pretty much the same to me :| I bought mine yesterday and he's shy right now. He's staying near a piece of driftwood. I tried to feed him sinking pellets and waffers but he didn't try to eat. Tomorrow I'll try to feed him...
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    Spotted Orange Seam Pleco (l106)

    Hi I'm having an hard time finding good and reliable information on the Spotted orange seam pleco (L106) / Hemiancistrus guahiborum. Anyone here actually own this pleco? Can't find anything better than that. Any website...
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    Stands For Tanks

    Some fish store carry solid stand and they sell them at a premium price. In my area most fish store only have chip board stand provided by aquarium manufacturer.
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    Will Coolie Loaches Eat Snails?

    They don't eat snails as far as I know. They will eat it if you remove the shell and prepare the food first but I doubt thats what you want ;)
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    A Few New Pics

    Looks good! :good:
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    Advice On White Spot On Clown Loach

    nmonks is right. Raise the temp and add some salt. Btw, if you use ich treatment, always use half dose with clown loaches. Good luck
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    Help Needed

    Clean spoon, ornament or gravel should do the job.
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    Fruits/veggies For Food

    I don't know about strawberries but cucumber, zucchini, lettuce, broccoli are safe. Hopefully someone will be able to answer your question about strawberries. :)
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    My First Ever Tropical Tank :)

    I like the white sand, why change to gravel? I didn't even notice the fish, the only thing i saw in the tank was the multicolored thing lol! :rolleyes: If your tank is still cycling, you should do bi-weekly water change to make sure your ammonia and nitrite level stay low.
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    Ceratophyllum - Hornwort

    Hornwort grow fast. My hornworts do better when floating and it makes some shade for my fish. No fert, no co2 just water and lights. :good:
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    Clown Plecos

    I agree with three-fingers. Clown plecos are omnivore. They eat algae but they won't clean your tank. They are a Panaque specie and they will need wood in their diet.
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    between 10 and 60 per female. Younger guppy have ~10-20 fry Older guppy can have up to 60+ fry. You will know in a few days ;)
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    Our First Tank... ;)

    Welcome :hi: Nice aquarium!
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    Red Tail Shark And Spotted Rubber Lip Pleco

    It shouldn't bother the pleco. Plecos are hardy fish. They have a soft belly but the rest of the body is hard. If the red tail shark does that 24/24 it would be a problem but if it's only a few times a day/week I wouldn't stress.
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    New Tank - Advice Please!

    I agree with gaz gun man. But don't give up smithps, there's a lots of interesting fish for your tank. Corydoras, Kuhli Loach, Platy, Guppy, Zebra danios and much more. Take a look at your local fish store. Available fishies vary a lot from fish store. Platies and guppies are colorful and...
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    :hi: fishcrzygirl81, good to hear you're making lots of water change. Keep it up until your tanks are all cycled! spain, If you're lucky you will have 10+ guppy fry swimming in a few days!
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    Hello Everyone, New To The Gang!

    Welcome :hi: Don't forget to post pictures of your 50g tank progress in the Member's Aquarium and Fish Pictures subforum!
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    240l Upstairs?

    I agree with Fisses. It's better to be safe than sorry. 240ltrs is usually not enough the break a floor but over time it can make it sag...if it does, your stand will become unlevel and then your tank can crack.
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    Moving House + Changing From Gravel To Sand?

    Definitely too small to be harmfull. Good luck and post some pictures of the progress if you can! :good:
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    Nelly's New Babie Channa Around 3inch Ish

    Nice specimen. Never heard of it but it looks good. :) Is he in your main tank with your big fishies?
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    240l Upstairs?

    How long is the tank? How deep? Weight wise, longer is better, it help spread the weight over multiple floor joists.
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    Questions Regarding My New Tank Setup - Feedback Please

    Great looking tank! Nice job :good: Your bamboo are still looking good. I didn't thought they would survive 100% immersed.
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    Moving House + Changing From Gravel To Sand?

    I did what you're planning. Except I moved 75% of my water. It tooks about 3hrs and all fish were healthy even my clown loaches. I bought some fish bags and put 1-2 fish per bag. I had big containers in my moving truck and I pumped the water directly in the tank. At the new house, i pumped the...
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    New Additions :)

    Nice tank, lots of swimming space for your rasboras. A big group of 10+ rasboras would look pretty good! :good:
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    My New 240 Litre Aquarium

    Welcome to the forum! Nice tank, it's a good start! :good: Your stand/tank is still level? The stand is on carpet and hardwood floor. What fish are you planning to add?
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    New Additions :)

    Nice fish! Any picture of the whole tank with your new galaxy rasbora's? :)
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    Lil Clown Loaches

    They look happy! Well done with the video. It's probably easier to get a vid than a picture. They swim so fast :) Are you going to add more rocks/plants in your tank? Clown loaches appreciate lots of hiding spot. Good luck with your buddies! :good:
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    Clown Loaches

    If you can, use a quarantine tank for your new loaches. They get whitespot easily when you move them from the LFS. It would probably be a nightmare for you to treat your 450 ltrs tank! :crazy: How are your angelfish doing with your severums? Any aggression from the severums?
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    Red Fiined Shark

    125l is ~33 us gallons It's enough for a juvenile but after a few years a bigger tank would be better. :unsure: I currently have a small rainbow shark in my 25 gal tank with gold barbs. All fish are fine but the shark will definitely needs a bigger in a few months/years. Add some plants and...