Spotted Orange Seam Pleco (l106)

i have an orange seam but mine is L122, same but mine has flatter head, or other way round.
Get to about 6 inch, peaceful, even with other pleco's same or different species, need vegetation like cucumber, corgette etc. 26-28 celsius neutral to slightly acidic water, good water flow and bogwood to hide. I find mine likes broad leaved plants, and they prefer fine to medium gravel as opposed to sand.
Do you have any pictures of your L122 ? I'm confused. Both looks pretty much the same to me :|

I bought mine yesterday and he's shy right now. He's staying near a piece of driftwood. I tried to feed him sinking pellets and waffers but he didn't try to eat. Tomorrow I'll try to feed him cucumber.

Is driftwood ok? (instead of bogwood)
Do they get along with other plecos?
Do they eat algae?

So many questions ;)

Thanks !
I took 2 pictures last night. Pics aren't great quality but if anyone can help me identify if its a L106 or L122, I would appreciate!

Picture 1 It's dark :

Picture 2 with flash :

I'm still trying to find out the difference between mine and yours..!

Thanks dave
yours has slghtly different and yellow(ish)patterning were mine is a bluey grey. and also yours has a higher head and more rounded. not an awful lot of differences, and they both have same needs etc.

It effectively does not matter, as they are of the same species, at least according to what hobbyists have deduced from armbruster's paper. Though I would very superficially agree that this is possibly what once was L-106. These are one of the most beautiful of all loricariids, imo. Good choice. They feed on literally anything you toss in the aquarium that is marketed as fish food. Dentition suggests, though, that they are raspers, so I'd do a vegetable dominant diet.
my L122 spotted orange seam loves courettes1 but also has a liking for bloodworm and similar frozen foods and even sucks on lance fish when it gets the chance, i have only one now i had 2 but 1 died totally mysteriously where as the remaining one is extremely healthy and just a beautiful fish, also imo one of the best looking pleco's!
I agree they are beautiful fish.
There's no way I will be able to feed him clown loaches are just too fast and they will eat every pieces that touch the water !

So far my L106 stay near a driftwood. He doesn't eat much but he's looks healthy. It's been almost 1 week now and he's more active than the day I bought it.

Is there any way to make bloodworms sink? They usually float.

yes,i have one. no,not really interested in algie and they can be very aggressive towards other plecos of similar size as i found out when mine killed a snowball which was only slightly smaller. and that was in a 6foot tank! mine likes hikari wafers,cucumbers,but most of all,mussels. and they certainly are beautiful looking fish.

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