My First Ever Tropical Tank :)


THE Triop Man XD
May 31, 2009
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im impressed with it...but i do have to have this stupid multi colored thing in gf wanted it in there and i didnt really have a say lol anyway..


not bad huh?
like he said lol, i feel for you how it possibly cant be taken out the tank for her sake, but you could hide it with a plant or something and say, wow, that plants grown over it! :)
Still cycling you say? But you've got several fish in there... Ouch.
Not to mention a Betta with Guppies :sad:
Nice gaming rig btw.
like he said lol, i feel for you how it possibly cant be taken out the tank for her sake, but you could hide it with a plant or something and say, wow, that plants grown over it! :)

lol thats a very good idea......

Still cycling you say? But you've got several fish in there... Ouch.
Not to mention a Betta with Guppies :sad:
Nice gaming rig btw.

yep still, ive changed the filter so it might even take longer now, mind i have used filter media from the old one, anyway the betta and guppy are fine with each other, alot of people say they shouldnt get on but they have never nipped at each other or anything....its the mollys that cause problems in my tank!!, cycling with fish is not good...i learned the hard way unfortunatly :( but the fish seem ok

thanks btw i built that thing myself (the case that is) took like six months....

again thanks guys! i hope to change from sand to gravel soon, just trying to work out how im going to do it witout causing to much of a "who har" lol
I like the white sand, why change to gravel?
I didn't even notice the fish, the only thing i saw in the tank was the multicolored thing lol! :rolleyes:

If your tank is still cycling, you should do bi-weekly water change to make sure your ammonia and nitrite level stay low.
It looks nice, I really feel for you doing a fish in cycle, I was not advised well when I started & had fish in as I cycled my first tank, it was heartbreaking, the daily water changes were a real hassle too. Good luck.

Oh & could you grow some java moss over the multicoloured thingy? lol

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