Search results

  1. M

    This Rocks

    Hmmmm, someone else posted that a few days ago... Not bad, but i wouldnt buy one! :no:
  2. M

    Red Oscar

    BUMP :thumbs:
  3. M

    Fish Friendly Petstores

    Of course - thanks!!!! :thumbs:
  4. M

    What Are These Things!

    Well i had guppy babies once & they're black... :blink:
  5. M

    Fish Friendly Petstores

    Thanks Squid :thumbs:
  6. M

    Oscar Eye Problem

    Stress Zyme = bacteria, Stress Coat = Dechlorinator. At least thats what it is here in the UK. Made by API?
  7. M

    Juwel Vision 180 :: Air Stones Or Not?

    Now, before i start... PLEASE dont take this the wrong way! Im NOT saying i know better than you :thumbs: But... I read on here somewhere (cant remember where :unsure: ) that having an air pump on for a few hours a day or whatever wasnt such a great idea... Possibly it was a pinned post (though...
  8. M

    Stocking Check

    Seems like human nature to me buddy... Sad but true! Good luck with your new tank anyway! :thumbs:
  9. M

    Fish Friendly Petstores

    Bump-i-dy-bump.... Anyone??? :blink:
  10. M

    Most Horrific Thing I've Ever Seen

    Aww....... Poor wee fishy :-(
  11. M

    Do Fish Get Used To The 'buzzzzzz' Of Filters?

    :lol: Hard to know, ive often wondered that myself! :lol:
  12. M

    Pix Please

    Very nice indeed :D :thumbs:
  13. M

    Red Oscar

    I didnt say that it did, I mearly said i thought they were partly piscivorous - the other being carnivorous. Why would a fish be classed as piscivorous & carnivorous if, infact, it was only a carnivorous fish that just ate small fish? If you do a Google you will see Oscars fish listed as...
  14. M

    Fish Friendly Petstores

    Just read your post but cant be bothered to look for it myself :lol: Help out Mr Lazy here! Where is it??? :thumbs:
  15. M

    Picture Id

    Yip its a firemouth for sure. Excellent fish :thumbs:
  16. M

    Oil Spill

    No problem, i couldnt find it on the sky news website either... P.S. jus incase you havent seen it i have added another link above... :thumbs:
  17. M

    Oil Spill

    No problem, I first read the story on UTV, its a Northern Ireland television site: Here is another report from another site with more detail:,10117,17936...0.html?from=rss hope you find these links of use...
  18. M

    Anyone From Northern Ireland?

    cheers! :beer:
  19. M

    Anyone From Northern Ireland?

    To be honest - nothin' really :lol: I just have nothing to do & all day to do it... Love going to look in fishy shops :D Can you give me a good on-line store while we're here though???
  20. M

    Oil Spill

    *** I AM NOT THE AUTHOR OF THIS INFORMATION *** Major oil spill in Australia There has been a major oil spill near the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. A total of 2,600 gallons spilled near the city of Gladstone in Queensland when a ship and tugboat collided. Emergency crews are rushing to...
  21. M

    Anyone From Northern Ireland?

    Dont know if many people from N. Ireland use this forumn, but if there is, where do you find a good aquatics store?? I have to travel to Belfast from Londonderry for Grosvenor Tropicals, any others??? :unsure:
  22. M

    Anyone From The Uk

    Thanks for all ur info everyone!!! :thumbs:
  23. M

    Red Oscar

    Now, i know im the newbie on here but i thought that Oscars were partly piscivorous.? :S
  24. M

    Anyone From The Uk

    Thanks for all of your replys! At least i know im not alone having no where good to shop! Your even stuck in th US Austin_09! :S Havent really looked for an online place wendywc to be honest... I might jus do that, but i prefer hands on :thumbs: Thanks for that too Cobe27 - nice recommendation...
  25. M

    Red Oscar

    Im not sure about when you should start feeding him live fish, as soon as he can eat them i would have thought? Now sexing... *** NOT THE AUTHOR OF THIS INFORMATION *** More and more everyone is posting everywhere with godlike authority that it is impossible...
  26. M

    Anyone From The Uk

    OK, thanx for your help anyway Jessica, ill have a look tomorrow, er i mean today! Gee, is that the time?! :lol:
  27. M

    Anyone From The Uk

    We dont even have a Pets at Home here in Northern Ireland - what a load of ol' toot! :crazy: Im telling ya, was on sum american site there, they have everything & its dirt cheap... :sad:
  28. M

    Anyone From The Uk

    Id really love a betta, but im stuck on what kind of tank to buy! id jus like a tank about 5gal or whatever... Has anyone any links to any tanks for sale (any reasonable size) that would be suitable, including heater & filter? Seperate heaters & filters will do, - if u got a name! Sorry, but im...
  29. M

    Red Oscar

    What size is he?
  30. M


    Good luck getting going again! Hope all goes well for you, keep us posted of your progress! :thumbs:
  31. M

    My New Cichlids

    nice! :D
  32. M

    Yay! So Excited! I've Got Fry!

    Well done - nothing like seeing your own guppy fry for the first time! :thumbs:
  33. M

    Show Your Setups!

    Whoo-hoooo! Mama loves her fish alright!!! :lol:
  34. M

    Water Changes Water...

    You serious?? Glad to see it!!! :thumbs:
  35. M

    Whats Wrong With My Balas?

    Yeah, that could be what it is, thankfully i never have many run ins with my fish and disease, apart from white spot which ive had 2 times in three years - due to the introduction of already diseased fish, when i was a complete beginner! It makes me sad to see my fish like that, kinda wish i had...
  36. M

    Whats Wrong With My Balas?

    I sold my 2 bala sharks to my lfs on saturday. Its not a very busy shop, so i checked to see if they were still there today - & they were! They are about 5" long an i had em for 2 years or so. Wheni looked at them today just up from their nose had gone white as if the bone or watever was...
  37. M


    havent got a clue buddy, sorry :blink:
  38. M

    Water Changes Water...

    Whoo-hoooooo! Thanks for all your votes guys & gals, we've exceded my target of 100! :D Glad to get a picture of what everyones does!
  39. M

    What Do You Keep With Your Oscars?

    Look at my thing-mi-jigger below to see what i keep with mine. I love them, even if they are greedy brutes :)
  40. M

    Water Changes Water...

    4 more votes for 100 :)