Fish Friendly Petstores

Oct 28, 2005
Reaction score
Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
There used to be a massive in index of pet stores that sold fish on this forum - you could add new pet stores and rate them. Anyone know where I can find it?

EDIT - :*) Just found it :*) :*) :*)
There used to be a massive in index of pet stores that sold fish on this forum - you could add new pet stores and rate them. Anyone know where I can find it?

EDIT - :*) Just found it :*) :*) :*)
Just read your post but cant be bothered to look for it myself :lol: Help out Mr Lazy here! Where is it??? :thumbs:
In the 'tropical chit chat' (where this thread is) go to the top and enter 'General, FAO, topics and guides' and then scroll down to uk fish store directory. :)

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