Anyone From The Uk


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Jan 1, 2006
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Id really love a betta, but im stuck on what kind of tank to buy! id jus like a tank about 5gal or whatever... Has anyone any links to any tanks for sale (any reasonable size) that would be suitable, including heater & filter? Seperate heaters & filters will do, - if u got a name! Sorry, but im thick!!! :blink: what setup do my fellow UK posters use?
Pets at Home do a really good one for £10! :D Its about 3-4 gallons so you can divide it for a couple or have it planted and stuff which is how i had one, it looked really nice!

Or they do the plastic ones that are just over a gallon for about £5
Pets at Home do a really good one for £10! :D Its about 3-4 gallons so you can divide it for a couple or have it planted and stuff which is how i had one, it looked really nice!

Or they do the plastic ones that are just over a gallon for about £5
We dont even have a Pets at Home here in Northern Ireland - what a load of ol' toot! :crazy: Im telling ya, was on sum american site there, they have everything & its dirt cheap... :sad:
Oh.. Well, thats your own fault for living in NI :p lol

Um.. Try pet/aquatic shops! They're bound to sell small tanks at a reasonable price. The problem with buying tanks online is that the postage usually cost more than the tank :rolleyes:
OK, thanx for your help anyway Jessica, ill have a look tomorrow, er i mean today! Gee, is that the time?! :lol:
Lol, don't worry monkeyman your not alone! I live int he U.S. but there is nothing here where I live! It's very hard to find anything in a town of only 17 hundred! And the nearest wal-mart is about 3 hours away! (I'm not sure if you have wal-marts in the UK but thats a good example here of how far out I live lol) Just wanted you to know that your not alone in the boat! :lol:
We had a pets at home down in Bangor but it has now changed to a Petsmart - but pretty much only the name changed. They do small complete tanks with light and filter for about £30. I just bought a 2.5g glass tank for £8 and added everything I needed.
Thanks for all of your replys! At least i know im not alone having no where good to shop! Your even stuck in th US Austin_09! :S Havent really looked for an online place wendywc to be honest... I might jus do that, but i prefer hands on :thumbs: Thanks for that too Cobe27 - nice recommendation! Still its about 2hrs away from me, but perhaps ill get a run up to Bangor someday... I was up at Grosvenor tropicals too the other day, but didnt have the notion of a betta at that stage! Anyway, i think they're a bit cheeky on it up at Grosvenor too! You ever been? Am going to my local Jolleys store to see what they got - not much probably!!! :lol: Thanks again everyone!

P.S. What would a good live plant be to put in my tank when i get it???
some Java Fern would be good, stick it on some bogwood and it roots really easily
its the only live plant i've been unable to kill so far!
Only been up to the grosvenor road place a couple of times - I actually got my betta from there - he was a bit tatty round the edges but I like him. THe place was absolutely jam packed when I was in so I didn't take much time to look around - they do seem to have a great selection though. I generally prefer the jolleys in bangor to Petsmart for actual fish - they have a smaller selection but a bit more knowledge and some more interesting fish (well interesting to me!). Plus they are the only place that stocks the dog food I use!

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