Pix Please

hi all can I have some pix of your discus just for fun :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Here's a few pics for you, let me know what you think




I thought you couldn't keep angels with discus because the angels had something in their gills that could make the discus sick. But they do look awesome. :drool:
Doesn't that blue and red discus staring at the eggs in the last pic the one that eats the eggs?
yeah... The orange one is really jealous sometimes... The blue male you see switches his girfriends like underwear. :hey: Those two females fight all the time. It is like the show Elimi-date if you live in the US.
I thought you couldn't keep angels with discus because the angels had something in their gills that could make the discus sick. But they do look awesome. :drool:

Ive never personally had any problems when keeping angels with discus. The only thing I have noticed is that the discus pair that I have in there dont seem to lay eggs when angels are in the tank.

I have only noticed this as the angels are only in there temporarily.
Big Mick all your discus are quite young, do you have any idea why discus may not lay eggs whilst there are angels in the tank?

Nice looking fish by the way!
Discus are harder to breed than angels, my angels spawn in the tank all the time but they usually eat the eggs after a day or two. Ive never tried to breed discus but if you want to try it Im sure others will be able to advise you.
Discus are harder to breed than angels, my angels spawn in the tank all the time but they usually eat the eggs after a day or two. Ive never tried to breed discus but if you want to try it Im sure others will be able to advise you.

Sorry think I have confused you a bit. I have bred discus and angels many a time (currently have around 70 angel fry left for sale from 150 raised), always in there own honeymoon tank but I currently have a young pair in the larger community tank. They were laying eggs every ten days or so but the male would eat them as soon as she layed them!! Hasnt quite got the idea of what he was meant to be doing yet. The one thing I have however noticed though is as soon as angels are put in the tank the discus wont even think bout laying eggs.

Do you think this maybe because they feel they cant protect them or...??

Dont think there is an answer just thought I would ask peoples opinions!
Oh I see, to be honest I dont know, Id love to try breeding discus but space just doesnt allow at the moment but your discus probably will feel threatened by the angels although I dont know if they would feel more threatened by angels than of other discus.

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