Do Fish Get Used To The 'buzzzzzz' Of Filters?


Fish Herder
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
Guilford, Surrey
Don't ask me why but i put my ear to the tank to listen for noise and the resultin buzzzzz from the filters is very loud. do you think the fish are used to it if tank raised???

As for wild breeds think they might be a little upset with the noise?
Aye, i was wondering the same thing, i reacon they don't like it as it causes vibration and i have read that you should keep fish tanks away from loud sounds/vibration as it stresses them..hmm.. but lets hope they get used to it.
OohFeeshy : In nature water isn't silent you know

But in nature it doesn't have a constant hum about it!!!!!!
Don't ask me why but i put my ear to the tank to listen for noise and the resultin buzzzzz from the filters is very loud. do you think the fish are used to it if tank raised???

As for wild breeds think they might be a little upset with the noise?

Funny, i was just wondering the same thing the other day.
I was thinking ya know they just adapt and get on with it, great question m8.
i was wondering this too.
my stupid hex tank makes such a noise i've had to turn it off at night the last few nights (don't worry, it's uninhabited at the moment)
i was thinking about that, and my dad says my bio wheel squeak is going to make my fish crazy :lol: maybe it doesnt travel through water as we think it does, anybody want to stick their head in their tank and find out? :lol: im pretty sure that the fish would move away from the noise if its annoying them
i was also wondering that lol. Then i was thinking, I guess it's just like getting used to seagulls when ya move house towards the sea. Or the trains when ya move house near a trainstation or train tacks...

I dunno, jus wot i was thinking.
Mine don't even flinch if I unplug the filter and then plug it back in when doing maintenance, so my guess would be no. It probably annoys me more than it does them! :lol:
if your filter is making a buzzing sound then try cleaning the impellar.

one of my filters really starts to buzz after about a week but i give it a clean out and its back to running silently with jus the sound of water in the tank.

took me about a month to figure that out tho......
i can't dismantle the noisy filter. unless someone else knows how?
it's one of those Fish R Fun 5 gal hex basic tanks.

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