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  1. P

    Skimmer Has Arrived.... Now What?

    day 4 an still no foam or anything, should i be worried?? it did say 48-72 hours, but its been longer then that i followed all instructions hmmm? anyone, any information?
  2. P

    Live Rock Question

    sounds good thanks navarre
  3. P

    Live Rock Question

    Quick Question... im about to add some live rock, about 25 pounds. Should i add alittle at a time ? or all at once Its all cured thanks
  4. P

    Sump Without Drilling?

    yup thats wat happened to me, total disaster.
  5. P

    I Wonder What The Oldest Saltwater Fish Is?

    i want a whale in my tank hahahaha
  6. P

    Raising Sps Corals

    haha ive found two already
  7. P

    Bubble Coral Sweeper Tentacles?

    i got 192 watts in my 38 gal tank, is that enough?
  8. P

    Bubble Coral Sweeper Tentacles?

    is a bubble coral dificult for a beginner?
  9. P

    Raising Sps Corals

    you can also have your friend, who has his own tank business, get you free metal halide lights :D :D :D i kno thats what im doing hahaha
  10. P

    Skimmer Has Arrived.... Now What?

    alright so my skimmer arrived today and i set it up. Its the corallife super skimmer (up to 65 gallons), its in my sump right now. Now im wondering when will it start producing the foam? Right now its just bubbling and not overflowing into the collection cup. It said that i needed to dry run it...
  11. P

    What Sea Salt Mix Do You Use?

    yea thats what i thought SH. The water near me looks really gross too. Yea i only live 2 towns over from bridgeport and with all the industry going on there, it wouldnt be a good idea to take water.
  12. P

    What Sea Salt Mix Do You Use?

    SH, i live in westport, ct which is across from long island. are u talking about collecting from the sound or from the atlantic ?
  13. P

    Dwarf Angels

    sounds good, ill just get one then thanks everyone
  14. P

    Dwarf Angels

    yea thats cool, ill just add one
  15. P

    Dwarf Angels

    could i have 2 dwarf angels in a 38 gal tank? i kno they cant be the same species or similar in appearance. so how about a coral beauty and a flame angel? if not what are some other options i really like these: coral beauty flame angel lemon peal pygmy also where could i get a cheap and...
  16. P

    Mollies In Nano-reef?

    yea i agree damsels are def nicer and, idk IMO i dont like mollies
  17. P

    Ordering Live Rock Online

    yea i got live rock from ebay for 2.75
  18. P

    A Few More Questions

    alright so im def not getting an anenome and ill probly get the coralife skimmer, and yes i have a sump in which i will put the skimmer in. thanks everyone and happy new year!
  19. P

    A Few More Questions

    also, wat protein skimmer would u guys put on a 38 gal tank??? im stuck between the Prizm Skimmer -$90 Coralife Super Skimmer Needle Wheel Protein Skimmer-$115 Cyclone Bak- Pak 2R+Reef Ready-$130
  20. P

    A Few More Questions

    i was just curious about some stuff, and i have some questions what is the best kind and brand of food, for cardinals, clownfish, gobies, dwarf angels, hawkfish? and are anenomes hard to keep for a beginner? just like a small anenome to house a clownfish thanks pete
  21. P

    Am I Ready And If I Am Wat Should I Get?

    i have a good 2.5 inches of substrate maybe 3 in some areas
  22. P

    Am I Ready And If I Am Wat Should I Get?

    ok so would this work im gonna go with bangaii cardinals in stead of green chromis 2 Bangaii 1 Dwarf angel 1 Six line Wrasse 1 blue cheek goby or a watchman goby but if i could, can i get a catalina goby like maybe 2 of those or like 2 catalina and one blue cheek? and how about a yellow...
  23. P

    Am I Ready And If I Am Wat Should I Get?

    alright cool, wouldnt that be alittle bit to much for a 38 gal tank?? like a shoal of 3-4? maybe not
  24. P

    Pico Skimmer Design

    looks like something nice to have, if u dont have to spend a heafty dollar on one, how do u make that if u dont mind me asking??
  25. P

    Am I Ready And If I Am Wat Should I Get?

    i kno my shrimp has shed it skin, but for the crabs, im almost sure a couple were dead because it looked exactly like the hermit crab body, but maybe a couple were skins. As for fish, how are green chromis ??? any good ?? im thinkin about any hawfish def dwarf angel, but those last jawfish...
  26. P

    Am I Ready And If I Am Wat Should I Get?

    alright so ive had the tank running for 6 weeks with live rock and live sand. And 3 of those weeks with hermits, snails, crabs and shrimp. Ive had 3 deaths in the tank. 2 scarlets and 1 blue legged, but everything else seems to be going fine. I checked the ammonia and it was .10. I got about 18...
  27. P

    Primarily Noctournal Hermit Crabs

    does it matter what kind of lighting ??
  28. P

    What Should I Get?

    yea the tanks all set up, im getting my clean up crew in a couple of days i have a 10 gal sump, fluidized bed, power heads, lights. Yea i guess i could get some live rock. where can i find some cheap stuff. I looked at and they were pretty expensive anywhere else?
  29. P

    What Should I Get?

    my birthday is on tuesday and my cousin wanted to get me something for my tank. She told me she will pay for something i wanted since she didnt know what to buy What shoud i get?? maybe a nice little accessory that will help keep water quality good thanks
  30. P

    Primarily Noctournal Hermit Crabs

    dont worry its only a fluidized bed
  31. P

    Ph Question

    could i use baking soda???? i know that works for freshwater theres no inhabitants in the tank yet, so the sudden change in the Ph wont affect anything am i right?? lemme kno
  32. P

    Ph Question

    yea i think the vinegar that i used to kill the aiptasia altered my Ph :( it was 8.2, now its 8.0. Is that something to worry about and if so, how do i get it back up to like 8.2-8.4?? my clean up crew is arriving soon so i wanna get this problem fixed thanks
  33. P

    How Much Have You Paid For A Single Fish?

    $50 for my clean up crew, no fish yet.
  34. P

    Hermit Always Getting Stuck

    whats the rule of thumb for hermit crabs and snails how many per gallon?
  35. P

    A Few Shots Taken Tonight

    absolutley incredible nice tank! :thumbs:
  36. P

    Some Info On Fish

    i got a question. i about to purchase a clean up crew and i wanted to know what snails work best im deciding between Nerite snails Margarita Snails and Nassarius Snails maybe 5 of each?? idk i want something that will aerate the sand bed and to get rid of diatoms and other unsightly algae...
  37. P

    Some Info On Fish

    just checked the ph to see if it was altered it was 8.2 so i dont think anything went wrong am i right?
  38. P

    Some Info On Fish

    alright so i put hot water and vinegar on them. i poured it over them over the sink. then i just rinsed the rock in some saltwater before putting it back in the tank to get the excess solution off. i just added the rock, lights are off and no signs of the aiptasias, but knowing my luck, there...
  39. P

    Some Info On Fish

    then i should just pour the hot water and vinegar over it ?? over the sink???
  40. P

    Some Info On Fish

    so now i also think i have diatoms, i noticed it today, it was growing on the sand and the LR. wats the cause ? how to stop it ? also about the aiptasia, when i use the vinegar and hot water on them, i should take the rock out of the tank that its on right?