Some Info On Fish

Well, good news. Diatoms are the brownish algae that you see on a healthily developing tank. I think it is time for your cleanup crew to be introduced :sly:

I dont thin you have to take out the rock, just stick the anemone while in the water. This is when you are using hot water, with vinegar, i would take out the rock, and hold it, anemone side down, over a sink, so that the extra vinegar drips in there. Just my thoughts.

Another way to berid of the aiptasia while out of water is to sprinkle salt on it. The anemone will burn from the salt, and you can just peel it off after. I think.

Not the same principle as a land slug or snail.. if sea slug/snails aptaisia dissolved in salt then just put em in err... salt water :huh:
I havent run vinegar over them. That would just be an awful mess IMO. Getting all over the rock, and in the end way too much may enter your system, altering pH.

If you can, buy a syringe, or four, at your local drug store/chemist. QUite cheap and you wont look like a druggy lol. You have to be quick, but inject them directly with the vinegar. That has proven most effective against my biggest apstatsia. For the smaller ones though, i havnt come up with a method.

Ive heard covering them with marine putty, but havnt rtried that myself.
alright so i put hot water and vinegar on them.

i poured it over them over the sink.

then i just rinsed the rock in some saltwater before putting it back in the tank to get the excess solution off.

i just added the rock, lights are off and no signs of the aiptasias, but knowing my luck, there gonna be back tomoro. but ill see

ill updated u tomoro

At my LFS they accidentally dumped salt directly on to an anemone that was in the water. It suffered an extremly severe salt burn- it barely recovered. Also, anemones die in saline water with too high of an sg, right?

Id be wiling to bet that if you put salt on a cnidnarian's soft skin that it would burn- think about it, saltwater doesnt burn wounds nearly as much and as sharply as salt does. One time i got a grain of marine salt in a wound and almost screamed i was in so much agony. :crazy: Think about salt's properties, its not a very difficult concept to get guys :/
just checked the ph to see if it was altered

it was 8.2 so i dont think anything went wrong

am i right?
Think about salt's properties, its not a very difficult concept to get guys :/

I reckon the guys got your concept pretty well there CM. :) It just sounded a bit funny is all. I dunno how it would work, as apstasia are very cunning, and come back well if you dont get them "properly". Ill try it though, and see how your method works.

just checked the ph to see if it was altered

it was 8.2 so i dont think anything went wrong

am i right?

Sounds Ok. Monitor it though, and if u washed it off it should be OK. :thumbs: I have squirted my Ap. with vinegar, and they shrivel, but return shortly. Keep an eye out, as i reckon they may be back! :D
You are indeed correct CM that if you pour pure sea salt on a creture then it will suffer burns.. so would we if we had similar skins.. However.. these creatures are adept at livingin alkaline environments and having pure salt poured on it is not anywhere near as damaging as dropping acidic substances on it.. the PH swing for alkaline salt might be 2.0 perhaps 3.0 but if you use acidic then you will alter the ph by as much as a whoppng 14.0!
i got a question.

i about to purchase a clean up crew and i wanted to know what snails work best

im deciding between
Nerite snails
Margarita Snails
and Nassarius Snails

maybe 5 of each??

idk i want something that will aerate the sand bed and to get rid of diatoms and other unsightly algae.

what has worked for you guys???

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