Primarily Noctournal Hermit Crabs

hahha sorry for my stupidity

Alright awsome so i guess ill add them to my sump,

also, do i need a light for the sump ?
depends on what you do down there, if its just a place for all the equipment to runn off of then no, however if it is a sump fuge or your growning macroalgea down there then certainly alight would helo alot.
I never noticed it before, but you said sand filter, as I see it that can only refer to three things, a pool type sand filter, a fluidized bed filter, and an undergravle system. Don't get a pool type filter, silica sand is not good for a reef tank, Fluidized bed filters are great for biofilters, and they dont trap detritus which helps keep nitrates low, UGF's suck, they are ineffective and antiquated, they are not good for your water quality and requitre extra maintainence,
In my sump mate I have just mounted a light as I plan on gorwing Cheatomorphia in the Refuge area, if you dont have a refuge then their really is no need for a light down there I guess.

I also have a return pump, skimmer and heater down there too. B)

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