Dwarf Angels

petey Z

Fish Crazy
Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
westport, CT
could i have 2 dwarf angels in a 38 gal tank?
i kno they cant be the same species or similar in appearance.

so how about a coral beauty and a flame angel?
if not what are some other options

i really like these:
coral beauty
flame angel
lemon peal

also where could i get a cheap and reliable refractometer
Bit touchy really

It is a case of suck it & see

I have heard peeps mix Flames & Cb's (Small Flame, Adult CB), but with varing results
Well first of all, 38 gallons is hardly a comfortable size for one. Its not usually advised unless the tank is at least 80 gallons, but you never actually know because they all have their own personalities. If you do try though, you would have to introduce them simultaneously, and make them the last additions, giving time for adequate algae to grow for their grazing needs. It might not even be able to grow fast enough.
38 gallons is hardly a comfortable size for one. Its not usually advised unless the tank is at least 80 gallons

Hanna I think you are being a bit over cautious with the recommendation for a Dwarf in a + 80g, IMO 1 dwarf would be happy in a 30 - 40g.

:thumbs: :thumbs:
dwarf angels are also agrresive with each other and territorial

I do agree with the above statement but have to say that I have seen many reefers mix DA sucessfully

I disagree. From what i have seen the problem appears to arrise when you keep dwarf angels of similar colour together. So keeping a Lemonpeel and a yellow angel together or a Fireball and a Flameback angel together would probably cause alot more issues than if you kept say a Coral Beauty with a Flame or a Lemonpeel Angel.

As for keeping 2 in a 38Gallon tank, well i have seen people do it although you would have to otherwise stock very lightly to allow for their potential size. If you want a good selection of other fish in the tank then sticking to one might be the better option.


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