Ordering Live Rock Online


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2004
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Kingston Ontario Canada
Just wondering if this is a good or bad idea. They ship it via overnight service.
Liverock is either wrapped in plastic and then put in a cardboard box or it
is put in a styrofoam lined cardboard box. Some heat packs may be included
depending on time of year and duration in travel.
Would this be ok and what would i have to do when i get it?
Do you know if they ship it withn water by any chance? Probably not, as it is not necessary and LR will be fine for up to 2 days without water. [plus it is just styrofoam] It isnt a bad idea, but if you want cool shapes and a better chance of having a crab or some other life form that cant survive out of water for long periods of time, then it is better to just go to a lfs, look at the shapes and figure out what you want. This way you can see all the stuff you will be getting, and it will only be out water for like 20 minutes at the most so everything has a better chance of living happily.

But if you dont care about all the little things like shape or little creatures, or are maybe getting a better deal online, then it isnt a bad idea at all. Its not harmful in any way, but you just dont know what your getting really, thats all.

I think when you get it, that you mix up a bucket of SW and rinse it off pretty well and get off any decaying matter, as there is likely to be some if it was dry for very long. After dipping it, youre good to go. Make sure to monitor the parameters every other day for a while too, even if it is cured LR, you are likely to have some spikes.
Well the big thing is they want $10 a pound at my lfs and i can get it for $6 a pound online(including delivery). Big difference when i need enough for a 125 gallon tank. But my plan was to buy 65 pounds online to get up and running then pick and choose from the lfs over time and get the peices i want. The LFS rock is cured as well.
I got my live rock for $3.00 a lbs on ebay for marshall island rock and tonga kaelini branches. I have had it Since october and got snails, a seasponge, a nudibrach that I found today and 7 different button polyp colonies. Unfortunately I had an accident where my fish food was knocked into the tank and caused a nitrate spike which killed the polyps. And just my luck, after that I got a kole tang that brought ick with it and the combined of the two killed my achilles tang, threadfin butterfly, potters angel, and the kole tang.
Premiumaquatics.com.....my tank is filled with. Excellent service. Excellent LR. SH
Drs foster and Smith when I called a few weeks ago had cured fiji LR for 4 and some change a pound shipped.

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