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  1. B

    What Is The Rule

    the "rule of fish" is concerning the adult size of the fish - and i beleive (correct if wrong) but relates to using the U.S gallon as opposed to that of the u.K gallon just my 2 pennys worth - :-)
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    High Nitrtie Spike. Why?

    i have not the same problem - but i did have a NO2 spike as dumbo here cleaned the filter media tooooooooo much- i was advised off people on here to do a daily w/c of 25% and monitor the water levels - dont do huge w/c's as this can upset the tank as you are drastically changing the composition...
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    Stressed Leopard Danios Male-female

    me thinks you added too many fish for the bacteria to cope with ??? how long has your tank been running? need to post your water stats, behaviour of fish or signs & symptoms etc etc
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    New Fish That Are Hardy

    danios - FOR DEFINATE - seem to made of stern stuff!!! they cycled my tank and i have not had 1 fish death (altho people harping on about another method - and they have had fish deaths) the thing that tetra makes to stop water changs every 6 weeks or whatever it is - THIS IS NOT GOOD METHOD...
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    Best Live Food?

    hiya here's what i use........(if it's of any use)?!?!?!?!?! i use premium flake, frozen blood worms, brine shrimp for my angel AND danios they go crazy for it!!!!! - my angel eats from my fingers (it's kewl)!!! but people with corys tetras and platys - am sure will tell you what they use. i...
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    Gravel Change

    i would advise NOT turning off the filter and heater and air as the fish and bacteria need these!!!! the tank will settle eventually (as ppl as posted on here about cloudy water when adding a new substrate OR when gravel vaccing) - this can create cloudiness too - but settles with time and the...
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    Water Change Question

    ^^^^ agree with jonesy as ure question is concerning salt water - (some people in here may be able to give you some info) but woul prob be better for YOU if you asked in the salt water section good luck though!!! - hope you get the answer you are looking for
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    Do Fish Have Noses?

    the fish have noses or paired nostrils - (nasal passages) that are known as NARES - used primarily for drawing in water and noticing the scent of food in the water current seeing as no-one posted the name i thought i would!!!! :hey: :look:
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    Test Kits

    if u live in the u.k pets@home do em for £17.00 i think - but has everything in the kit :- test tubes, reagents, color charts!! very easy to read instructions ( and lets face it more you do em - becomes ingrained - so no need for instructions hehe)
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    Test Kits

    yep - deffo as same poster above....the API liquid test kit does them all and is far more accurate in testing the water IMO i used the last of my strips when started to use the liquid kit ..........the strips showed nitrIte and the liquid did not!! and all my original fish survived my cycle!!
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    Water Testing...

    concerning testing water and the tests i need........i was informed (and makes lots a sense)..........if you test for NH3, NO2, NO3, pH, gh and kh then knowing these values can ensure you and ur tank are on's when we dont know a certain water stat and something goes wrong then we...
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    Test Strip Vs Test Tube

    yea not only that but the solution is corrosive to skin - and working in burns it's amazing what does burn people's skin and they think they'll be ok!!! but i think any "filter start" apart from it guaranteeing live bacteria maybe as "bio-spira" does - then it seems just a means of buying...
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    Filter Starter

    yeah garry knew that bio-spira is kept in the fridge was referring to what poster asked about ""A PLASTIC BOTTLE"" from a shelf and i dont think that would contain inactive or even live bacteria apparantly very very good stuff and cycling yours in 3 days - why wait - dont blame you at all :) rob
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    Test Strip Vs Test Tube

    i used the test strips and boy are they they expensive for what they are!!!! when all used up i bought the api range as mentioned earlier - it's GREAT!!!!!! just a note the colour change means the water is changing so in sum respects a colour change is good (not when cycled tho last thing u...
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    Filter Starter

    hi dont know about ""filter start"" but i used ""safe water"" and apparantly that contains bacteria as it says on the tin !!!!!! - but i still had to cycle -whether it sped up the process not sure but my cycle finished in 23 days!!!!- using fish too other one i have READ about is called...
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    Small Tank Filter

    how about a fluval 1?? - just a suggestion
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    Zebra Danio Behaviour

    danios are crazy little things!!! as people have said - i cycled my tank with 7 and after 2 days of being in the tank they have always taken food out of my fingers !!!! funny when you put ur habdin the tank (maintenance) and they "nip" at my arm and fingers !!! sooo cool fish to watch - very...
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    Clamped Fins - What Does This Mean

    hi are you cycling - tired yet??? - (really really bad joke - sorri) :blush: :blink: :fun: if so how long are you into the cycling? definately as of the ammonia - i had the same problem - as soon as ammonia is present in the tank with fish they immediate show us they dont like it, clamp...
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    Clamped Fins - What Does This Mean

    good place for it too - in the emergency section - think i'd post it there too if mine were same!! any advice helps stops the painck!
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    Fish Tank Is Cloudy Help!

    maybe the amount of water that u are changing is a bit on the small side .....maybe increase the amount to 25% or more of ur tank water fishes REALLy dont like ammonia (they dnt lke other things but doing more % of water change may help them more)?
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    Clamped Fins - What Does This Mean

    joanne..... maybe u can post ur water stats or other signs and people may be able to give u more of a direct approach to help stop whatever is happening?
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    How Do I Quarantine New Fish?

    when getting new fish it is always "the best practice" to quarantine new fish as they have illnesses/diseses that can be passed on and brought into the healthy tank - however this is not always the case - money, space etc etc careful maintenance and observation can often stop a problem before...
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    Ammonia Test Kit?

    api stands for Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Inc = goes up to 8ppm about 6 quid from pets at home! does 130 tests
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    Air Wall And Oxygen

    i left my bubble wall on whilst cycling as increased surface area for oxygen and gaseous exchange as these bacteria also need oxygen and ammonia to grow left it on too - cos i'm cycling with danios and these need oxygen more i think cos using them to cycle (i know people are against it) but i...
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    Another Death In The Family

    bringing a pH of 6.0 to 7.0 is 10 fold increas in the pH to alkaline (well to neutral ) - i think it's abit more than a subtle change if ya ask me!!! especially as the fish may not be able to deal with such a shock!! i agree with ph shock - and acclimatisation of the fish over a lengthy...
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    Air Wall And Oxygen

    the post was for "in a few words" so i did a few words i could have written an essay's worth !!!!! question is do you have test kits to test for ammonia, nitrItes, nitrAtes and pH cos it wont mean anything really if ya cant test for em - you wont know where ur at during cycling! or...
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    Air Wall And Oxygen

    hmmm cycling in a few words ere goes - fish make waste by pooping, breathing and by rotting food in the tank this is turned into AMMONIA in the air - bacteria come into the tank and convert this to NITRITE another type of bacteria change the nitrItes into NITRATES when ammonia and nitrItes...
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    Help - Lost One After 24 Hours

    good luck mark & becca i bet ALL of us on here and more besides have made errors - WE DEFINATELY DONT MAKE EM AGAIN!! :good:
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    Cycling ?

    cycling is a must!!!!! depends whether you want to do a fish cycle or fishless?? i followed this !!! hope it's some use to ya - others will give u more advice i'm sure but we all start somewhere there are some REALLY good...
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    Help - Lost One After 24 Hours

    hope i aint hindered you with the pm!!!!
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    Planting Plants

    if it's this.........>>> should be floating !! hth!!!!
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    Super Dumb Question

    ya beat me to it smurfy!! makes fish lingo easier to understand!!!
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    Frogs In My Tank

    unless I basted it to him lol heheheh :lol: :lol: :lol: :good:
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    Cloudy Water

    time can vary with cycling a tank - depends upon fish load, frequency and amount of water changes, temperature etc mine is nearly complete (after 24 days) using fish - i sorta followed this but every tank is different but.....DONT RUSH IT!! gives you...
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    Flicking Off Items, No White Spots

    yea i DEFINATELY agree with you there if it's more than 1 fish and doing it all the time - something is a miss
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    Flicking Off Items, No White Spots

    is it safe to say that when seeing fish "flick" off things they may just have an itch that needs scratching?? like us humans we got limbs to use or get something else to use if we cannot get to the parts that need scratching!! obviously it could be a parasite or disease and this will need...
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    Water Temp

    same temp water (near as damn it if u aint got a themometer) as water in ur tank i use a clean pan to heat up water (dont like to use kettle) and then add the heated water into the cold - when at right temp add de-chlorinator and siphon in tank slowly but everyone has a different way of doing...
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    Shopping List...

    damn good idea about the turkey baster!!! and toothbrush too - BRILL
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    Pregnant Guppy kewl showing them bein born too!!!
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    Help With A Few Things!

    dont rush ur tank magic - u'll only probably loose more fish!! peeps in ere will give u a run down of what's goin on if u post ur water stats!!