Water Change Question


New Member
May 24, 2006
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My tank's about a week old and I'm planning to do my first water change because of high nitrate levels. But when I tested the water I was gonna replace it with, the nitrate levels are just as high. What do I do?

All my saltwater (in the tank and the replacement water) was purchased at the LFS and I think came directly from the sea.

I've read a lot in this forum on where to get your water from...but most all sources are for freshwater. Where does everybody get their salt water from?
^^^^ agree with jonesy

as ure question is concerning salt water - (some people in here may be able to give you some info)

but woul prob be better for YOU if you asked in the salt water section

good luck though!!! - hope you get the answer you are looking for
How high are nitrates?

Most people make their saltwater with RO (reverse osmosis) water, anything else is a major risk.
RO is a method of purifying water in which it is forced through a series of very fine filters and (i believe) chemical filters to come out with ALMOST pure H2O on the other end.
oh well thank you for the direction! I had no idea I was browsing the wrong section! :blush:
You don't really want tap water for Saltwater as the nitrates and phosphates in the water will hav you constantly battling an algae problem.

RO should give you somewhere around 95 to 99.95% pure water, to which you add marine salt to create artificial seawater.

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