Water Testing...


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I bought a test kit that tests the 4 big things ( I don't feel like typing them out :) ). Is there anything else I need to test for that is important?

I have very soft tap water so do I still need to test it in the tank. Also I ad salt with water changes, is there a way to test the salt levels? I have a fresh water tank, 10 gal with 3 albino corries...
concerning testing water and the tests i need........i was informed (and makes lots a sense)..........if you test for NH3, NO2, NO3, pH, gh and kh then knowing these values can ensure you and ur tank are on track.......it's when we dont know a certain water stat and something goes wrong then we tend to panick and rush as to what to do to sort the problem

some expert fish keepers will probably be able to tell from the smell of the tank water and maybe other things - and may not test as often as noobies do

feel a bit of a student chemist with all my test tubes on the kitchen table but all good fun!!!

and at least my fish are comfortable - as they appear and my water readings

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