Flicking Off Items, No White Spots


Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2006
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What else could it be? They haven't shown any other signs of being sick, but I just caught my Red Wag flicking off some of the rocks in the tank.

Parameters are average (trate+trite+Ammonia are 0, PH is neutral(heading to lower, though), water is soft-average).

Only difficulties are a malfunctioning heater (manually having to plug+unplug, and monitoring temp carefully to keep it in range)

Been feeding them Brine shrimp, flakes, and Bloodworms.

any help is appreciated. I have some Rid-Ich and Maracyn-Two I could use if needed, any thing else will have to wait until Monday when the LFS opens
Fish rub against solid objects and "flash" there are no other signs

possible cause(s)
This indicates some form of irritation of either the skin or gills.

Irritation can also be caused by ectoparasites such as flukes, Trichodina, white-spot etc on the skin or gills.
Should I treat flukes, then? Or find something that generally treats parastes?
Should I treat flukes, then? Or find something that generally treats parastes?

I would say usually flicking is due to some external or internal parasite so treat accordingly. I know when i see it treat it as such and it usually goes away in a few days. Then agian, if i see whitespot i just raise tank temp to speed up parisites and turn on uv to fry them haha :D
for now I'd do a 50% water change;
this will put back some essential minerals and salts lost from the water
over time. You'll be amazed at how many things can be eased by a simple water change.

I'd also add either stress coat or melafix, after the water change and observe to see if they continue to flick or not.
if they do then you may wish to investigate this further before adding any medications.

look for other oddities, like gasping, shimmying, staying in one part of the tank etc.
This happened with me and I added Meth Blue, i know this med isnt for everyone and it is hard getting the tank clean and clear again but it worked a treat as it was flicking with no known cause. All is well now.
is it safe to say that when seeing fish "flick" off things they may just have an itch that needs scratching??

like us humans we got limbs to use or get something else to use if we cannot get to the parts that need scratching!!

obviously it could be a parasite or disease and this will need investigation via observing for it e.g shimmying, hanging at water surface etc

just wondered - cos when people immediately say "oh it's a disease" we go and buy loads of meds and not knowing how to properly treat could overdose or mix medicines without knowing to do so????
Thats very true Rob but when the fish do it all the time and more than 3 fish do it then there is something in the water or thats what I have found anyways and a quick med and water change helps.
yea i DEFINATELY agree with you there if it's more than 1 fish and doing it all the time - something is a miss
yea i DEFINATELY agree with you there if it's more than 1 fish and doing it all the time - something is a miss

The worst thing about it is the not knowing what is the matter though. You wrack your brains sat at the pc trying to find out what and it could be so many things in the long run.... :(
Well, one of the babies is shimmying and flicking, but off of some of the softer decor (fake plants).

Going to isolate him, as no one else is doing this.

Could be a false alarm, too. THe one doing it is a Balloon Molly, so the salt count may have lowered a bit. I'll do that first before adding medications they may not need.
This is what I do when I see "Flashing". I ck the water prams. Ph most of all. If all is good there than I use Tank Buddies Parisite Clear. Has worked for me when my tetra's and Gourami's flashed. No need to raise temp. Helps to prevent secondary infection and doesn't harm bio-filter. Helps with internal and exteral parasites. :good:
ah a molly; that puts a different slant on things.
IME mollies,platies and alike often do much better in a slightly salt water evniroment (not full brackish, but a bit of salt).
otherwise they tend to over produce their mucus coat and that in turn irritates their skin.

provided all your other fish are salt tollerent, try adding a teaspoon of salt.
I added salt and re-checked my water.
And... Holy CRAP the readings are bad.

Somehow it was fine yesterday...I think the new rocks may have changed things? Not sure.
Slate, Base Rock, "Utah Ice", Glass Rock...and the other two names elude me. I think one is marble.

So yeah, going to do a water change, as much as I can with the water I've got fixed up.

Nitrate - 40 (WTF)
Ite - 0
Ammonia - 0
Hardness - 250 (Can't see this being TOO bad...could go for softer)
pH - 6.8 (Up, I say, GO UP)
Alkaline - <80 (UPNESS GO GO GO)

Of course, I added the salt BEFORE water change. Silly me. >.>
this could be a reason for it then. it seems like its a dramit change for them and sometimes they dont take nicely to it.

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