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  1. redbug

    Filter Sand

    I know this has been asked but has anyone used swimming pool sand in their tanks I am getting tired of my river rocks the junk is getting in between the rocks and getting tough to keep clean also how will my pleco's like the sandy bottom they seem to love the lager rocks
  2. redbug


    I will try to cut the food down and see if that helps the lettuce wouldnt last very long my plecos would tare it up in no time my main issue is the filters i want to see if i can keep them out of the new fuval i am going to cycle in this tank before i move the fish to a new set up
  3. redbug


    I had an issue with my water a few weeks ago that has been corrected I lost several fish in very short order. some of which were my looches went from 7 down to 2 2 of my lost looches were 5" yoyo's they did a goo job keeping the snails under control but in the last 2 weeks the snails have...
  4. redbug


    i havent tested the water in a while i do regular changes i have several groups of fish laying eggs in the tank including the angel with the cotton mouth they are doin fine just looks nasty
  5. redbug


    is this stuff okay to use in a tank with corys and plecos? they seem healthy but my other fish have some issues cotton mouth and popeye thanks in advance for any help wayne
  6. redbug

    Cooling Down An Aquarium

    they do sell chillers but they are exspensive. you can make yourown out of a small fridge. and some copper tubing
  7. redbug

    Zebra Plecs L046

    If I am correct it also takes them quite a long time to reach a size that they can survive shipping. They are an amazing looking fish I would love to get a group of them but can't get the cash together at this point
  8. redbug

    Zebra Plecs L046

    I had one around 15 years ago and only cost me $40 US i thought it had died and had been eaten then about 8 months later i was cleaning my tank and there it was they are awesome looking fish but for the prices now and never seeing them I'll pass
  9. redbug

    I Love Royal Plecos

    well here i my little guy if you look close you can see my L114s tail
  10. redbug

    Should I Have More Than One Albino Cory

    it may take a few days for them to feel okay about each other
  11. redbug

    My New Group

    very nice lookimg fish good luck with them
  12. redbug

    Cory Eggs ?

    they look like it What other fish does he have in the tank??
  13. redbug

    New Pair

    Awesome looking fish... good luck with them
  14. redbug

    I Resisted Panda's

    I just added 6 peppered to my collection I am now over 30 corrys in my main tank I also picked up 2 rubber lip plecos the bottom of my tank is getting crowded..
  15. redbug

    Loach Question.....

    Mine are very active they will follow my angles around as well as my tetras never too aggressive.. they are very playful with each other. They are one of my favorite fish
  16. redbug

    Snails In My Fuval X5 Filter

    Let me start by saying these guys have been in my filter for a few years now. I cleaned my filter today It's been a few months since last cleaning and the snails are running ramp-id in the filter. I don't have a single snail in my tank only the filter. This has me thinking I remember reading...
  17. redbug

    Chinese Algae Eaters

    What do you do to the bog ones when they out grow your tank?
  18. redbug

    I.d My Pleco?

    I use non lead fishing weights and a rubberband it works great
  19. redbug

    Pleco In My Pond

    Didn't the have snow and ice in dallas this past winter? I know from reading my bass fishing reports that water temps in texas drop into the 40's that would be way to cold for a tropical fish. so unless your planning on heating the pond I don't think it will work
  20. redbug

    Could I Get Another Pleco In My Tank?

    I have at least 14 plecos in my 150 gallon hiding places and clean water are the key be sure to provide plenty of food for them
  21. redbug

    Driftwood Sinking

    you could also drill a whole in it and fill it with sand then silicone the hole shut that could also help. Bad news I have had a piece of drift floating in my tank for 7 months and still hasn't sunk..
  22. redbug

    My New Plecs

    Tat is odd maybe it has to do with numbers.. I have a total of 9 and they swim mid tank in a big group they never hide
  23. redbug

    A Friends Horrid Tank!

    Have you thought about looking through the older therads about housing a common pleco? print them off and show them to her. Print off some info from planet catfish about her fish show her some pictures of a fat bellied healthy pleco to show her how it would look. or as a last resort show them to...
  24. redbug

    My New Plecs

    well here are a few photos of mine here is one of my L114 this is the closest i have gotten to seeing him haha My green phantom he thinks he is hiding bonus picture of my 8 year old glass cats found this guy eating the other day, No idea where he came from or how old he is any idea on an ID
  25. redbug

    Mopani Wood

    if you drain and refill you will help to remove more of the tannis this will help you from getting the tea colored water that comes with bog wood
  26. redbug

    A Friends Horrid Tank!

    looks okay to me can you slip him some waffers when you visit...
  27. redbug

    Pesky Pond Snails

    i like your avatar photo.. I also like to wet a line
  28. redbug


    great minds!!!! same dogs too
  29. redbug


    And here i thought I was the only one.... I clean the rocky bottom on occation but not as often as i need to. I clean my filters when i remember I have my tank way over filtered. it is a 150 gallon and I have fliters that could handle over 400 gallons on it.. only thing i know for sure is my...
  30. redbug

    Catfish Id?

    I have a school of 9 glass cats that i have had for over 4 years now they are a fun fish to watch. When they feed it is a invisible feeding frenzy. they swim all over the tank to get their share and then go back into a tight little school I look forward to seeing the pictures of yours. I wish...
  31. redbug

    My New Plecs

    very nice looking fish... I just added 3 L114 @ 2.5" to my tank but i have only seen the red tails I also added 2 clown @ 1" and a royal @ 2" that i haven't seen. they have 25 pieces of bog wood to hins in and under they have joined my other plecos: 1 albino bristlenose (M) 1 snowball (F) 1...
  32. redbug

    Struggling To Keep Plecs Alive

    Don't buy a pleco unless you know what type it is and how to care for it. It may have a need for bog wood or be a meat eater. If it was a common you more than likely starved it once a week feeding is not enough. Like others have stated Mine get feed daily
  33. redbug

    New Tank Filter Question

    rinse it out in your net that way you won't lose it.
  34. redbug

    New Tank Filter Question

    be sure to rinse the carbon under running water. It will break up and cause dust during shipping. as for the cotton place it in loosely so the water can pass through it they are not the best filter and you should look to upgrade down the road
  35. redbug

    How Big Of A Tank Do I Need

    I would suggest that you get at least a 150 gallon tank... that might seem like over kill but trust me when I say that this hobby is like crack you will be hooked in no time and want more and different fish that you will want to try to breed. Then you will wind up frustrated when others on...
  36. redbug

    More Angle Eggs

    Well I saw 2 of my angles chasing the rest of my fish to the other end of the tank, so I knew what was coming I woke up to find these on my filter intake My guess is they will be eaten before to long here is one of the parents gaurding the eggs you can see my snowball pleco licking her...
  37. magnum filter.jpg

    magnum filter.jpg

  38. redbug

    Has Anyone Used The Hot Magnum Canister Filter?

    I have used the hot Magnum filter it kept my tank clear. be sure to use the carbon container with the foam cover. if you look at the next model up the line I think it comes with a BIO wheel this would be my choice. With the sand substrate be sure your pick up isn't too close to the bottom
  39. redbug

    What Did You Do To Your Tank Today?

    well I sat here onmy day off waiting for my new fish to arrive. and the added them to my tank. I have been waiting for 2 weeks to have a day off so I could be home for the delivery. What did I add??? 12 Black Phantom tetras 6 Panda cory's for a total of 9 3 L114 pleco's about 2.5 inches at...
  40. redbug

    3 Freshwater Tropical Fish To Give Away To Good Owner

    it sounds good o returned your email