Could I Get Another Pleco In My Tank?


Fish Crazy
Sep 22, 2010
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I've got a 4x2x2 tank, (323ltr) with currently 1 bristlenose in it.

I was wondering whether I could get another pleco in, or 1 is enough for a tank of this size? My filtration is good (405 and a U4).

Alternatively, I was thinking of some Otto's in a few months once the tank is settled.

Do you have any other fish in that tank? if not what do you plan on putting into the tank?
Yup, you have plenty of space for another Pleco. And if you have lots of wood and hiding places, you could get a good few.

What are your water stats like?
You could go for one of the fancy ones. :drool:
I've got a tank same dimensions as yours. I have breeding longfin bn's. I pass the youngsters on, but currently have 5 more mature specimens in there and they all live very happy. As long as you've got super filtration!!!
I have at least 14 plecos in my 150 gallon hiding places and clean water are the key
be sure to provide plenty of food for them
Do you have any other fish in that tank? if not what do you plan on putting into the tank?

I have a mix of tetras, a mix of rainbow fish, some cherry barbs and a dwarf gourarmi.

Water stats are ph - 7.5
ammonia - 0
nirite - 0
nitrate - 40ppm.

So my stocking is right up there at around 30 fish...I've 3 bits of wood as well in my tank.

I would like a really nice colourful pleco (water conditions suiting of course).

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