What Did You Do To Your Tank Today?

i turned the air blue... i normally move them and put them on the table but i left them on whilst i trimmed the plants so i could see what i was doing.. big mistake... £36 for my daftness
I planted some twisted vallis in my 'new' tank; it's not really new; it's my oscar's old tank :) He's moved in to larger quarters, so I'm redoing it.

The first fish went in yesterday; 6 Corydoras adolfi that cost me £50!!! :look: I've done nothing else but fuss over them and they've already had a 60% water change 'cos I thought there might have been a trace of ammonia in there..there probably wasn't; I just didn't dare take the risk :blush:
well I sat here onmy day off waiting for my new fish to arrive. and the added them to my tank.
I have been waiting for 2 weeks to have a day off so I could be home for the delivery.
What did I add???

12 Black Phantom tetras
6 Panda cory's for a total of 9
3 L114 pleco's about 2.5 inches at this time
Oh dear. I just realised that what I thought were "diatoms" on one of my leaves of my plant that I cleaned off carefully, was actually more than likely eggs. Not sure exactly what laid them but I suspect the bristlenoses although I thought they normally laid eggs under bogwood, or in crevices. So annoyed with myself now.
I moved my 4ft tank after rearranging my dining room/conservatory, much better placed now for viewing :D
i turned the air blue... i normally move them and put them on the table but i left them on whilst i trimmed the plants so i could see what i was doing.. big mistake... £36 for my daftness

check oit lampspecs . tons cheaper :good:
Today i did a large water change & gravel vac. Found my little catfish "Felix" had gone belly up in the night.

Adjusted my fertileser dose to daily rather than weekly.

today i fitted new bulb to 28lt looks absolutely lovely am well pleased with this tank :)
here goes...whilst listening to a bit of 80s/90s rock i took out 20ltrs of water whilst siphoning the mess off the sand,squeezed sponges, then used fish net to get remaining mess out(making water cloudy) ..before adding fresh dechlorinated water,i rearanged my grassy type plants(wot a nightmere)being bored i measured tank.....W=12"..H=15"..L=31"...=80ltrs...i know its small compared to most....now putting oven on for kids teas...... and the kettle....have a nice day
i fed them, and checked they were enjoying my new higher temperature. and tried to work out if one of my buenos aires tetra is pregnant or ill :huh:

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