Should I Have More Than One Albino Cory


New Member
Apr 8, 2011
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Hello everyone, Quick question. Should i have more than one cory in my tank i have room for a small fish since my bala shark died (see rip bruce would appreciate any help figuering out why he died aswell). The LFS were i bought him said they do better on their own but after a bit of reaearch it seems they do better when theres more than one. can anybody help???
What size is the tank? All Corys do best in groups of 6+.
Remove the black moore, that's a coldwater fish, not tropical. Kitty kat is right, 6+. I would rather take the cory back and get another fish that doesn't need company.
That tank is too small for the black moor and was too small for the shark, which is why it probably died. Black moors are cold-cool water fish (10-18C), the danios do best at 18-22C, Corys usually at 20-25C. What temperature is the tank currently at?

The danios and Corys are both schooling fish (keep in groups of 6+), but in my opinion, the tank is too small for either species.
I think my best advice would be; either re-home the moor, or buy a 100l tank for it (that would be the minimum size you could keep it in).
Re-homing the albino cory and replacing it with 5 pygmy cories would be the best option for this tank as well
the tank is at 19c. im new to this so exscuse the ignorance the fella in the shop said they would be fine together and when i asked about the danios being tropical he said no there coldwater (obviously hasnt got a clue) but i took his word for it didnt even question the cory just assumed catfish would be cold water...
also when you say the tank is to small is that becaus ethe fish will outgrow it or because of waste ect??
Hello everyone, Quick question. Should i have more than one cory in my tank i have room for a small fish since my bala shark died (see rip bruce would appreciate any help figuering out why he died aswell). The LFS were i bought him said they do better on their own but after a bit of reaearch it seems they do better when theres more than one. can anybody help???

Your LFS told you corydoras do better on their own? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sorry, I really don't like when these businesses hire lackies who don't have a clue what they're talking about. Cories need a school. At the very least, another friend! That's good that you did some research as your intuition was telling you something was off putting there. I would go for some pygmy cories or a group of otocinclus(great little algae eaters). Both stay small.
Dannios are quite hardy when it comes to temp ranges and will be quite happy at a warm room temp, and therefore don't require to be kept at tropical temps, but again 18-25c and they are ok.

As everyone else say Cories are a schooling fish never less that four, 6+ is best.

Change your LFS and carry on doing your research before your next purchase!
I said re-home, because they will outgrow the aquarium.
so i got three more corys and took the black moor out so thers four now in the tank and thy all seem to stay away from each other and its like they hide away behind the shells and stones... any one no the reasons for this
Did you just put them in? Maybe they're scared from the move? Check water parameters whenever there is odd behaviour. They should be socializing with each other.
Did you just put them in? Maybe they're scared from the move? Check water parameters whenever there is odd behaviour. They should be socializing with each other.

water seems fine . had them in a small tank for about two weeks prior.. just the original cory in the tank wnt go near them
Did you just put them in? Maybe they're scared from the move? Check water parameters whenever there is odd behaviour. They should be socializing with each other.

water seems fine . had them in a small tank for about two weeks prior.. just the original cory in the tank wnt go near them

Awww, he likes his new friends! Hopefully they come around soon!

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