My New Plecs

very nice looking fish...
I just added 3 L114 @ 2.5" to my tank but i have only seen the red tails
I also added 2 clown @ 1" and a royal @ 2" that i haven't seen.
they have 25 pieces of bog wood to hins in and under
they have joined my other plecos:
1 albino bristlenose (M)
1 snowball (F)
1 green phantom (U)
7 King algeres
Red bug your set up sounds great any pics?
nice fish simon. loving the L114, i very nearly got one myself a while back if you can remember :unsure: you have just made me want one again :lol:

hope you have your syphon at the ready :sick:

good luck with them mate :good:
nice fish simon. loving the L114, i very nearly got one myself a while back if you can remember :unsure: you have just made me want one again :lol:

hope you have your syphon at the ready :sick:

good luck with them mate :good:

quite possibly my favourite fish

someone has offered me abreeding pair on another forum butI couldn;t justify spending the cash on them. Big 10inch beasties though with young!
well here are a few photos of mine


here is one of my L114 this is the closest i have gotten to seeing him haha

My green phantom he thinks he is hiding


bonus picture of my 8 year old glass cats

found this guy eating the other day, No idea where he came from or how old he is any idea on an ID
great pics

my local fish shop had a L200 in today but it was in poor shape and £43!!

the glass cats are ace I have 2 myself in my tank only see em at feeding time then they hide all the time
great pics

the glass cats are ace I have 2 myself in my tank only see em at feeding time then they hide all the time
Tat is odd maybe it has to do with numbers.. I have a total of 9 and they swim mid tank in a big group they never hide

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