Catfish Id?

It's the usual 36"x12"18"(LxWxH) I think. I really like the idea of the glass catfish and I know I can get them locally, I've not seen bumble bee catfish in my LFS.

I had 2 Pims in my 4ft tank.
They were ok, but at times were very active, especially at feeding time. And some of my more docile fish didn't like them. So I got rid of them in the end.

Glass Cats are very nice. I have a group of 5 in my community and they are doing very well.
Some other catfish to look at would be twig and whiptails, also any of the Tatia family they are relatively small, and like low light. Although they are hard to source and can be as much as £30+ each depending on the species.
Other catfish you could try are bumblebee catfish, some of the hoplosternum family some species of hoplo only grow to 3" where as other grow to 7-8" so make sure you know what you are buying. Hoplo's would be a good choice as they are very similar to cories, are social and very active during all hours.

There are a few species other species you could try, but it depends on what you want from them, as a lot of catfish are nocturnal or very shy.

hope this post helps you some.
I'm decided on about 6-7 glass catfish for the tank as it will be somewhere quiet and I'm going to decorate it like a zen tank. It my calm be down when I go upstairs.

hmm each to their own I suppose.

Ive never understood why glass catfish are in the trade. A pain to feed properly and rarely seen, and when they are seen there isnt much to look at, with them being transparent lol :D
I think being transparent makes them look even more interesting. I see them regularly down at my LFS.

Sorry, I wasnt meaning to sound rude :blush:

They are regularly seen in LFS, where they keep them in bare over stocked tanks.
I am a catfish fan :) but they are one I just never really took a liking to, dont know why just didnt, strange really, as Ive had catfish which Ive put in tanks and not seen for months :)

Good luck with the tank, and we NEED to see pics when its setup :D
Will get pictures while it's cycling and once they are in and settled.
You didn't sound rude, I was just saying that I see them quiet often. The place I go to keeps them at 3 per tank with no other fish.

I have a school of 9 glass cats that i have had for over 4 years now
they are a fun fish to watch. When they feed it is a invisible feeding frenzy.
they swim all over the tank to get their share and then go back into a tight little school
I look forward to seeing the pictures of yours. I wish they were more available around here I would add to my school
I have a school of 9 glass cats that i have had for over 4 years now
they are a fun fish to watch. When they feed it is a invisible feeding frenzy.
they swim all over the tank to get their share and then go back into a tight little school
I look forward to seeing the pictures of yours. I wish they were more available around here I would add to my school

I'll hopefully be getting the tank itself this weekend. The stand will be hand built and I'll be possibly getting the filter and heater next week or not long after the tank. It's going to have that Argos play sand in the bottom like my other tanks and I'll be getting some Zen designed stones from my LFS to put in it. The stones are smooth not rough so they won't injure the catfish. I need a list of plants, mostly low tech plants but I may be able to get some medium tech, no high tech please. I can't go around adding fertilizers to the tank and it might not have a built in light but natural light instead.


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