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  1. jonnyf84

    X. Nezahualcoyotl For Sale

    agreed, i used to breed all kinds of fish but now i only breed these, nothing else compares IMO. I breed them on a large enough scale though Weimster so give me a shout any time in the future as i usually have some for sale. Regards, jonny.
  2. jonnyf84

    X. Nezahualcoyotl For Sale

    sure thing :nod: added to the main post :kana:
  3. jonnyf84

    X. Nezahualcoyotl For Sale

    hey all, i see i am getting a lot of views but not many buys so i have now bought the kit to be able to post the fish for orders of 18 and above for a additional charge of £7.50 hope this helps, regards, jonny
  4. jonnyf84

    X. Nezahualcoyotl For Sale

    all good, pm'd details.
  5. jonnyf84

    X. Nezahualcoyotl For Sale

    hi arte, 30 for £75 ok? they are now between 3-4cm, hope to hear from you soon.
  6. jonnyf84

    X. Nezahualcoyotl For Sale

  7. jonnyf84

    X. Nezahualcoyotl For Sale

  8. jonnyf84

    Slow Bubble Rate?

    Hemianthus 'cuba' ordered a new spiro 3000, hopefully that should do the trick.
  9. jonnyf84

    Slow Bubble Rate?

    god ### it they'v stopped working properly again! what a nightmare, i've ordered a better diffuser off aquaessential and some new tubing, hopefully this will work.
  10. jonnyf84

    Slow Bubble Rate?

    slightly lower than normal because the bottle is nearly empty, but i soaked one of the diffusers in 50% bleach and 50% water overnight, i put it in the tank a couple of hours ago and its running fine, strange as every week when i change the diffusers i soak in neat bleach for 10 mins, rinse then...
  11. jonnyf84

    Slow Bubble Rate?

    theres no leak, i tested the whole system bit by bit, the bubbles where going into the water at full rate until i put the diffuser on. Its a big coincidence if both diffusers are blocked and are unable to be unblocked despite how well i clean them.
  12. jonnyf84

    Slow Bubble Rate?

    yup, so when your using the nackered one i take it your bubble counter won't show a increased rate dispite how open you have your needle valve? Any other opinions on this would be fantastic
  13. jonnyf84

    Slow Bubble Rate?

    they are glass but i dont see how that would make a difference. Your one that doesn't work, how do you mean exactly? Does it diffuse no gas what so ever or just a little?
  14. jonnyf84

    Slow Bubble Rate?

    Hi, no matter how far open i turn my needle valve i still only get a max of 2bps, this has been going on for a while so today i took the whole thing apart and tested every section seperately, it was all going swimmingly until i got to the final part, the diffuser, as soon as the pipes had filled...
  15. jonnyf84

    X. Nezahualcoyotl For Sale

    X. Nezahualcoyotl (Northern Mountain Swordtails), varying sizes, 2nd gen from wild caught specimens. Leeds - LS17, pick up preffered but i can post for larger orders. £5 each, £20 for 6, £35 for 12, £50 for 18 PM me or email me at [email protected], alternatively you can call...
  16. jonnyf84

    Another New Tank

    oh what a dilema :lol:
  17. jonnyf84

    Another New Tank

    Thanks man!!! Good luck with the big change around, a 6ft tank will be awesome.
  18. jonnyf84

    Another New Tank

    I've done this a few times with no ill effects, just keep a eye on water stats for a couple of week incase you get a mini-cycle.
  19. jonnyf84

    How Much Ammonia

    yup the calculater should sort you out, it should be around 20ml per day
  20. jonnyf84

    How Does This Sound?

    should be great, have a look on ebay for sumatra wood - a cheap alternative to red moor wood, its much nicer than bogwood. have fun.
  21. jonnyf84

    Stunted Growth

    no problem, good luck.
  22. jonnyf84

    How Does This Sound?

    ah the poor mans neon :lol: um well some would say they'll be fine in 35L but i would want to give them a bit more space. 35L might be fine if the tank is filled with plants as it helps with the bio-filtration and they do love planted tanks. Oh also have your filter running at full speed as...
  23. jonnyf84

    Stunted Growth

    deffinately do more water changes as it will still promote growth. I know that when your tank looks clean it can feel like a bit of a hassle to change the water but in truth very few fish care about the visibility/cleanliness of the water, it is the water pollutants that make the difference and...
  24. jonnyf84

    How Does This Sound?

    sorry i'm not quite getting that abbreviation, wcmms?
  25. jonnyf84

    How Does This Sound?

    um 35L is small, if its going to be a aquascape then i would focus more on the plants which on its own looks better than the majority of community tanks IMO, then you could add some cherry shrimp for appearance and clean up duties, or even some high grade crystal red shrimp. If your intent on...
  26. jonnyf84


    you could always order it off the internet if all else fails, or if you know any cleaners or janiters they should be able to get some from work.
  27. jonnyf84

    How Does This Sound?

    Ah another new member to the wonderful world of aquascaping :D You will need a source of carbon dioxcide for your setup, HC is especially co2 hungry and it loves liquid forms like excel or easycarbo, buy some nutrient rich substrate like eco-complete or aqua soil and you'l also need ferts for...
  28. jonnyf84

    Fishies Dying :'(

    I'm afraid it just doesn't work like this although i bet everyone on this forum wish it did. Cleaning your tank, no matter how thorough will not eradicate diseases unless you mean that you stripped it and recycled it of course. sometimes diseases aren't visible, internal bacteria and parasites...
  29. jonnyf84

    Stunted Growth

    hey mate, this might help: sorry i couldn't be bothered writing it again.
  30. jonnyf84

    My Daughter Has Her Tank

    awww bless, sounds like your both having a great time.
  31. jonnyf84

    Fishies Dying :'(

    As long as she's not been hassled by your fish then just leave her. I would consentrate more on finding out why your fish are dying before you commit to buying more of them, maybe post in the Emergency section and detail water stats, tank size, stocking, filtration and any signs of disease.
  32. jonnyf84

    The Rubber Eel, Typhlonectes Natans

    aw the poor little thing had a tough time with those toads :lol: those external gills are amazing!
  33. jonnyf84

    Ammonia Illegal?

    I think you need a permit to trade anhydrous ammonia which is pure ammonia and is used in the production of illegal drugs like methamphetamine (along with a whole host of legal things of course :lol: ), household ammonia is usually around 9.5% ammonia and 90.5% water and hence completely legal.
  34. jonnyf84

    Adding New Fish After Water Change.

    The new fish will probably prefer the changed water due to its lower nitrate content but keep in mind the water thats in the bag may be high in nitrates not to mention a different temp, hardness and PH, the best way to make sure everything goes off without a hitch is to place the bag in the tank...
  35. jonnyf84

    Feeding Courgette

    i've bred bristlenose for some time now so needledd to say i get through a lot of greens, i never pre cook, blanch of wash my greens. If i have time i will remove the seeds because they have a nasty habit of getting stuck in the filters, to sink it i use plant weights - just pierce it through...
  36. jonnyf84

    Faulty Heater?

    Thats personal preference isn't it boboboy, have you tried every other heater - NO! I use these in all my tanks and they all heat the water to the temp on the dial.
  37. jonnyf84

    Faulty Heater?

    unless you go with the rena smart heater, it does what it says in the tin, so to speak.
  38. jonnyf84


    ah ok, 65 litres isn't enough space i'm afraid, albino corys get quite big - especially the females, the kribs will become very aggressive and territorial when breeding - when breeding ideally they would need 65 litres to themselves, they would also see cherry shrimp as a meal. corys feel more...
  39. jonnyf84


    sorry i'm confused, half an hour ago you said you have 8 glowlight, 6 albino corys + cherry shrimp, now you say you only have 1 cory & 4 glowlights, and now cardinals and cockatoos have come into the equation along with the pair of kribs? What exactly do you want to stock?
  40. jonnyf84


    not with your current stock, i would consider you to be slightly overstocked as it is. Disregarding the amount of stock they would be fine (hyperthetically) as a community.